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Hey everyone!

Last time I did a request stream as a celebration for hitting 6k follows on twitter. It proved to be a very fun experience and I'd like to do it again. Thanks to all of you, I hit my goal of being able to do private streams. As of the last stream,  the turnout was pretty decent, but still low enough so everyone could get a request done.

What I'm getting at is, would you guys be ok if the next stream was open to the public or would you like to keep it private? I fear that if I keep it private for patrons only, not a lot of people would show up (timezones, jobs, etc.). If I were to make a public one, patrons would definitely get request priority. 

But I'd like to hear your thoughts. Let me know under comments!

Thanks again ♥



I say go for it and make it public. How else are you gonna attract new patrons?


I also think public is a good idea, more people could get trapped into the awesomeness of your art if they look at it!


I vote for the public stream too. Spread this awesome art a little more \o/