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Hello everyone. This is to tell you that chapter 246 has been written, but won't be posted. There were some major issues with the chapter, and that means that I'm going to skip today for chapter posting, and try to continue the streak tomorrow. I simply can't fix these issues in time, not without ditching some engagements with friends, which I won't do, and I simply refuse to post a subpar chapter again, after what happened with chapter 80 back in the day. I know I told some of you in the comments that with chapter 246 written the streak would continue today, but that's simply not going to be case and I'm sorry.



take your time totally agree family/friends come first


Rather than worrying about a posting streak, i think you have the right idea to keep the story quality sky high. Its true we few will suffer for an extra day, but us and everyone reading in the future will get a better story which is the real prize! Also dont kill your social life for your writing or youll burn out and we'll get an even longer wait or worse