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Although Kara has its own specific look in the promotional materials, I decided that shouldn’t cut the diversity of the Star Wars universe :) And accordingly give you, the players, the opportunity to create your own unique image for the main character.

I am working on it now. As you can see, the main settings window of the character is almost ready and only some software trifles are left to do so that everything comes to life.

The opportunities of system at the moment:

  • Choosing a race (for now: human, twi'lek, zabrak and togruta)
  • Adjustment of body shapes, choice of skin color
  • Setting face details
  • Choosing hairstyles and hair colors (for those races that have hair, of course)
  • Choosing a decor for the face and body (piercing, tattoos, scars)
  • Settings the lightsaber (the look of the hilt and the color of the blade)
  • Choosing a style of clothing

In the future, perhaps some more opportunities will be added. Your suggestions in the comments, of course, will be considered :)
