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Hi there, wonderful people!

Is there a more soothing sound than dice clattering down a 3D printed tower?!  Maybe the sound of many dice clattering down together?  One of the things I really do enjoy with this tower is that you can line up a set of dice and swoosh them down together and watch them rattle and clatter down those stairs!

Filament note:  That's some beautiful Cookiecad Unicorn we're looking at, here!

That central round bit at the top is actually a screw-in lid, and there's quite a bit of storage inside - certainly enough for more dice than anyone really wants to hear bouncing down stairs!

The bottom of the stairs reach a tiled landing, and there's an arched barrier there just to stop the dice going any further.  The landing does continue around past the barrier, so you could potentially pop uncooperative dice around there, but a dice jail without a wall would probably be far too easy to escape from...

Print Description

This is a regular mode print, nothing tricky, and designed for straightforward printing.  It's a big print, though!

Print Dimensions

The Battlement Dice Tower main body occupies 138mm x 147mm on the print bed and is 176mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This one should scale quite easily up or down!  

The fit of the lid will of course change, but threaded connections are good at handling such things.  I scaled it down to 30%, which was tiny indeed, and the lid still fit just fine, even if it was rather small to actually hold on to.

Print Orientation

Both the tower and the lid print right-way-up.

File Location

You'll find this one at at 529 Battlement Dice Tower

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

This tower went through many changes along the way, mostly in the service of finding an angle on the stairs that kept the dice rolling reliably, without them going too fast.  We do want to enjoy that clattering for as long as possible, after all! :)

Happy rolling!


