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Hi there, wonderful people!

Vase mode printing, as we know, has a particular constraint in that angles just can't be too far from vertical, and that's in both the angling-up and angling-down directions.  There just isn't enough overlap between lines past a certain point, and the results are a mess!  I'm pretty conservative about those angles, and generally keep it to about 45 degrees.

Now, this made life a bit difficult when I set out to model some vase mode staircases!  Obviously we can't have horizontal landings in the world of vase mode, nor can we have horizontal steps.  Since stairs are generally full of right angles, this also meant we couldn't have vertical bits either.  So, as you can see, everything's tilted on angles!

And, then the stairs multiplied, but that did cause some issues with the other mortal enemy of vase mode - pockets that were not connected to the outside.  A good way to think about printability in vase mode is that it must be possible to take any horizontal slice and trace a line around the entire form.  If you look closely, you'll see a few little grooves that deftly take care of those pockets and make them part of the overall perimeter once again.

Filament: Protopasta Nebula Silver Silk.  It's like the classic Nebula, but shiny and opaque!  See the writeup for the Transposition Tank for some more details on my visit with the super cool people at Protopasta :)

Print Description

The Stair Jumble Vase is, as the name suggests, a vase mode print, so set your slicer accordingly!  

Print Dimensions

By default, the Stair Jumble Vase occupies 92mm x 87mm on the print bed and is 136mm tall, but can really be scaled up or down from there.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This one should scale quite easily up or down!

Print Orientation

As you would expect from a vase mode print, the Star Jumble vase prints right-way-up.

File Location

You'll find this one at at 542 Stair Jumble Vase

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

Maybe it's just reflective of my childhood love of M.C. Escher's illustrations, but stairs are a strangely fun and engaging thing to work with!

Happy printing!






I immediately thought Escher when I saw this! Also I wish I knew you were in town visiting PP! I live about 5 miles from the ProtoPlant and would have loved to meet you! ❤️


I'm glad you thought Escher too! If it's any consolation, it was a very quick visit, and I wasn't around very long at all! I'm envious that you live so close to the wonders of the ProtoPlant, though :)