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Hi there, wonderful people!

I headed to the US for the East Coast RepRap Festival, but it turns out there's another event just after that - Halloween! :)  Yes, Halloween stuff is everywhere.  Australia doesn't really have that same tradition, so it's been a lot of fun seeing random skeletons, pumpkins and ghosts all over the place.  And it also inspired this box!

The Creepy Coffin Box is a hinged box of creepy character, and comes in both single- and multi-material versions.  There's a curved lip on the inside of the lid that slots into the base to give a small amount of tightness to the closure, but how that turns out will depend very much on the filament, slicing and printer.  There's also an inset border around both the main body and the lid to get it open again if your print does close tightly!

Big thanks to my amazing friends at Filament Stories for test printing and photographing these for me!  In fact, Courtney's recent video on the Bambu A1 shows the very first test print of this model!

Print Description

This is an articulated print with a detailed bottom layer, so make sure your first layer is nice and neat and that there aren't any print issues like overextrusion or stringing that might bind moving parts together!

Multimaterial Files

The multimaterial version is designed for Prusa MMU, Bambu AMS, Mosaic Palette and similar systems that allow multiple filaments to be used in a single print.  It is not intended for later assembly!

If you're printing single material and you want to make use of colour the easiest approach is to simply swap filaments at appropriate points to get contrast in the spider webs - even just swapping once after the first few layers (depending on your layer height) will look neat!

Print Dimensions

The Creepy Coffin Box occupies 102mm x 113mm on the print bed and is 25mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This one should scale up and down a little, with the usual caveats about the hinges getting looser and tighter accordingly!

Print Orientation

The Creepy Coffin Box prints right way up with the lid open and flat on the print bed. 

File Location

You'll find this one at at 549 Creepy Coffin Box

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

Halloween in the US is such a fun time - sadly by the time it actually rolls around I'll be back home in Australia!  It's been fun watching it ramp up in my travels, though, and I have to say that pumpkin spice cookies are great :)

Spooky printing!






Courtney is so cool 😎 you guys make ne love this community so much


I agree, Courtney is the coolest! I had the pleasure of hanging out with her husband at ERRF, and he's super cool, too!

Charles Pittaluga

Love this little coffin! Would love to see it with some kind of latch!