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Hello, hello, most wonderful people!

Excitement abounds!  Here's the TL;DR version:

* You can now subscribe on Printables as an alternative to Patreon!

* You can also stick with Patreon/Dropbox, but use Printables as a catalog to all the models! (the Printables posts include the Dropbox folder number)

* Tiers are exactly the same as always!

And now for the longer version:

Well, this is an adventure!

Patreon will still be here, files will still be up on Dropbox, and if you like you can happily ignore everything below if you want to.  You should read on, though!  Because even if you would rather just stick with Patreon, the Printables library will finally provide us with a searchable, browsable catalog!

So, what is this Printables Club?

Printables.com, the library operated by Prusa, are launching their Patreon-style platform, and I've had the good fortune to have been providing feedback on it as they've been developing it over the last few months.

Is it better than Patreon and Dropbox?

Almost certainly, yes!  It's designed specifically for our needs!

Are all the models on there?

Yes! Over the last few weeks I've been frantically uploading everything into the new "exclusive models" section, ready for the launch.

All the models are there now, though there's still a lot of work to do in getting the writeups across!  The original Patreon writeup link is included with each one for the moment, though.

Tell more about this library!

All the models are there, with photos and names, and it's possible to search and sort them all!

You'll find the Dropbox numeric index in one of two places:

1) For models that have had the writeups copied across, the index is at the very bottom, at the end of the main body text.

2) For models that have have just had files uploaded but don't get have text, the index is in both the model name and the summary.  The fact that the number is in the name, still, is a signal to me that I still need to attend to that model (most of them, at this stage!)

How do I swap over?

At the time of writing this, I don't actually know what the sign-up process looks like, but I'm going to presume that it'll be available from my profile on Printables, which is here:


It's all brand new and features are still evolving!

You will of course want to cancel your Patreon subscription after you sign up on Printables!  It would make sense to leave it until nearer the end of the month since Patreon just finished the current month's billing process :)

Printables badges for existing Patreon supporters!

Printables clubs has a feature for displaying a badge showing how long someone's been a supporter of a Printables Club, which is quite a nice thing.  It seems only fair, though, that people moving across from Patreon have their long-term support recognised, so the Printables developers have agreed to make that happen!

I'll export a list of email addresses and joining dates from Patreon, and they'll apply those to the matching accounts on Printables.  It'll be a one-time, thing, though, so we'll probably give it a month or two before actually running that process.

So, should I swap from Patreon to Printables?

That's entirely up to you!  I will be updating both with the same content, and the prices will be the same as always, so feel free to use whichever works best for you :)

(Well, when I say the prices are the same, I'm ignoring Patreon's mandatory currency conversion thing that obscures the actual prices!  Suffice to say that I have set the prices the same on each, which is the bit that I can control :)

And most importantly...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing, ongoing support.  I am so lucky to be on this creative adventure, and it's only possible because of you!😍

Right, time to go print stuff!






switch made, adios Patreon.

Vinnie Simonetti

Since it's still possible to read the longer posts here even if not backing, I opted to make the switch. Hopefully they add the ability to do writeups soon enough.