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Magnets ahoy!  There's something super cool about strategically-placed magnets pulling something into shape, as they do in this neat little ball!  I'm not sure what you'd describe this shape as - somewhere between a dodecahedron and a pentagonal antiprism, maybe, but it unfolds into a series of triangular-ish panels with pentagonal-ish cups at the ends.

There are sixteen magnets - one on each of the eight intermediate segments and four on each end, and these clip things into place neatly when the ball rolls up.  

Two sizes are provided, both of which are relatively small:

Print Description

This is a regular print, but since it's an articulated model you'll want to make sure your bottom layer is nice and neat, and that you don't have any print issues like overextrusion or stringing that might bond together moving parts!

Magnets!  You do want magnets for this one!

This model is all about the magnets!  It's a very different experience using this with magnets rather than without them.

You'll need 16 magnets of the 6mm x 3mm cylindrical type.

Print Dimensions

The larger version occupies will just squeeze onto a Prusa Mini build plate, at 176mm x 178mm on the bed and 65mm tall.

The smaller version occupies 80mm x139mm on the bed and is 38mm tall

Supports needed?

No supports required!


Infill percentage won't really matter too much - this is mostly perimeters!


This one isn't intended to be scaled, since the magnet spaces will end up all wrong.  Tolerances are all 0.5mm however, so if you can deal with the magnet issue somehow, you probably some latitude for scaling from the point of view of the hinges.

Print Orientation

The Fragment Balls print unfolded, like so:

File location

You'll find this one on Dropbox at 670 Fragment Ball

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

I must admit I really like the look of the exposed hinges when the ball is folded up!  Granted, I do love a nice utilitarian aesthetic in things, but this one is especially fun, like a glimpse into how something actually works.

Happy printing!






What material was that printed in? It looks really good!


Good question! It's definitely some kind of marble filament - probably either Cookiecad or PolyTerra!


Anyway to make it fit 4x2mm magnets? I have a load of those I hate to buy different ones lol