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Happy holidays, wonderful people!

Last minute decorations?  Vase mode to the rescue!

Nice and quick to print, and using very little filament in the process, these vase mode geometric extravaganzas are perfect for hanging on trees, office furniture, or just wearing as a stylish accessory!  

Secret hangy-things

But how do you hang something that's printed in vase mode, since you can't have holes?  Well, in this case, there's a sneaky feature in the geometry, a pair of slots that curve in towards the top and almost meet, close enough that they'll probably end up physically bonded together.  

Spheres of illusion

The main thing of interest in these designs is the illusion of spherical-ness.  These are of course not spheres, those being tricky enough in a conventional print, and not at all doable in vase mode once the angles get shallow.  The profile, in fact, is circular in the middle, but the point where the tangent of that circle hits 45 degrees the profile just tracks a straight line the rest of the way.  

So, why do they look like balls?  Well, you'll notice they all have spiraling features and curves all over the place.  None of those breach that 45 degree limit either, but they fool the eye into seeing more roundness than is perhaps actually there.  The depth and layering helps, too - the visual distance between the outside of the middle and the inside of the bottom is greater than would be allowed by a smooth profile alone, giving more sense of shape to it all.


Now, you might notice one or two familiar designs in the baubles - shades of the Reciprocal Vase and the Necromancer's Bottle, specifically.  The geometry is in fact completely different to those original designs, but I couldn't help but draw them in as a nod to past favourites...

Printing Tips

These are vase mode prints, so set your slicer accordingly!  All angles are designed for straightforward printing, so no angles that a conventional vase mode print can't handle. 

And, of course, the designs are all managed so that despite the overlapping layers there are never any "pockets" or similarly un-vase-printable things.

Print Dimensions

Each bauble is 70mm x 70mm on the print bed, and 78mm tall.

File Locations

You'll find this one on dropbox under 705 Vase Mode Baubles

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592


Further Thoughts

Vase mode remains one of my favourite things to work with, and I really do love the specific constraints and challenges it brings.  It does help, though, that it's so quick to iterate through ideas and experiments and see what works :)

Happy bauble-ing! :)






These guys look gorgeous, can't wait to get to printing them!


I have lots of shiny PLA to try, need to make a decision 😂


dont torture yourself with decisions... choose all!! lol

Kieran Clarke

You are a cruel man so close to Christmas as the wife spotted these. I am dead to her if I don't start printing some of these.

Michael Schecker

Thanx a lot for this cool idea !!! The solution to use spiralvase modus and and still have the option for a loop to hang is ingenious. Normally i only print my own stuff but in this case ..... ;o) My litte Farm will print your design for next 2 days in 6 colors as a gift for my neighbors


I just did the pledge but I can't seem to download the Model. I really like this one and I've been following your work for a few months as I'm a new to 3d Printer, I've been looking for cool stuff to print and many people say you have great stuff for beginners. It took about 30 minutes and I was sent a email, and I could access all the downloads.


These came out amazing in the MatterHackers Quantum PLA. Took a video for you to check out: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ml0yhallmumvsab/3D%20Print%20-%20Christmas%20Decorations.MOV?dl=0


These are ideal designs for the 3DJake Magic or MatterHackers Quantum - just printed some in the 3Djake and the effect as they spin is great