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Hey there, wonderful people!

I'm a sucker for combining angular shapes with big, curved surfaces, and the Pod Bowl is a pretty obvious example!  It's fundamentally a cube that's sliced through by a sphere, but that shape is only suggested by the forest of vertical prongs that actually make up the shape.  Each prong is a kind of lollipop shape, with the centre aligned precisely where the sphere would slice through, and thus we end up with this kind of discontinuous curved surface thingy.  Suffice to say it's a somewhat fragmented bowl.

You've probably noticed by now that the first photo, above, is a multimaterial version, but there's a single-material version as well:

Printing Tips

The curve on the Pod Bowl is fairly gentle towards the centre, so it might be worth using a thin layer height to smooth that out.  Of course, if you're using a slicer that facilitates changing layer height through the print then you can happily print the lower half more efficiently.

In terms of perimeters and infill it's worth bearing in mind that the individual prongs need to be robust enough to handle any sideways forces that will work against the layer lines!  

For anyone printing a multimaterial version: I'll assume that you already know what you're doing with such things, and just mention that there are four separate STLs included, one for the main body and one for each of the layers of colour.

Print Dimensions

The Pod Bowl occupies 145mm x 145mm on the print bed, and is 74mm tall.  

Of course, there's no reason you couldn't scale this one up or down.  For reference, here's a spool for scale at 100%!

File Locations

You'll find this one on dropbox under 725 Pod Bowl

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

There's a distinct parallel here with a model from some years ago now - the Lattice Bowl!  I guess this is a kind of inverse, in that it uses what would be the holes in the Lattice Bowl to form the overall shape.  That's entirely coincidental, though - it's more that I just really like these kinds of shapes :)

Happy printing!





Michael Schecker

looks like a plant from another planet


Hey man! I have been a patron to your patreon for a few months now and I eagerly await and make all your new creations. However, I'm a bit confused by the multi-material aspect to the bowl. Is there a quick and easy way you could describe how I can achieve this multicolored effect using prusaslicer?


Ah, this one definitely requires a dedicated multimaterial system, like a Prusa MMU, a Mosaic Palette, or something similar, and each of those has its own approach to handling the slicing! Some of the multicolour things I do are achievable using assembled parts or filament changing, but this one is sadly not one of them!


Interessting, could be a project to print with variable layer heights!