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Hey there, wonderful people!

We're back in vase mode land today (that's Spiralize Outer Contour mode for the Cura users out there), and this one's a zig-zaggy snakey bottle that ends up quite rigid as far as vase mode prints go.

This one started in a completely different direction, as another vase that was intended to contrast textures.  It was covered in diamond-shaped holes that expanded as they went inwards, which would normally create unprintable pockets, but thin slots running vertically provided a way for the printer to move in and out.  

Those lines turned the diamond holes into vertical zigzags, and the idea of stylized zigzag snakes just couldn't be ignored!  The gaps were enlarged a little, texture added and interior texture removed, and a bunch of chamfers were added to give shape while retaining that sense of angularity.  And then some of those chamfers were removed since they resulted in some tricky angles for a vase mode print to handle!

Printing Tips

This is a vase mode print, so set  your slicer accordingly!  As you'd expect, the print is oriented base-down, so the top ends up open.

This print probably works best around 200%, in terms of size, but 100% is pretty cute :)

Print Dimensions

This is a vase mode print that will scale pretty well to any size, really (though if you make it much smaller it might lose some detail!)

At 100% the Necromancer's Bottle will occupy 52mm x 52mm on the print bed, and is 75mm tall. 

At 200% it'll be 104mm x 104mm and 150mm tall!

File Location

You'll find this on dropbox under 733 Necromancers Bottle

(Dropbox link post:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-and-are-31697592 )

Further Thoughts

I do keep coming back to vase mode, because it's just always such a satisfying set of constraints within which to work.  Every vase mode design comes out differently in terms of weight, rigidity and flexibility, so it's always an exploration and things don't always turn out the way I might expect.

Happy printing!





Robin Edwards

Love the fact you keep pushing vase mode prints. I was experimenting this weekend playing with a standard 0.4 nozzle and printing at 0.6 - 0.8 and the results were surprisingly good making a stronger vase. So I might give these a whirl!


I'll be trying out my 1mm extrusion vase mode on this one. Looks so satisfying. I love the very low amount material that vase mode allows.


Hooray for vase mode! And for 1.0mm nozzle, scalable printing. Big nozzle prints in vase mode are just so much fun.

Michael Schecker

I like Vasemode cause its so fast and hypnotic to look on it during build


LOVE IT... now to printing ;)


I'm loving the recessed vertical slots as a printability work-around. I might use that idea in my own designs. Good to know about! Thanks.

Jonathan Murray

Just finishing up a 300% print, looks great!

Kieran Clarke

Damn. I know what I am doing when I get home...Printed it out at 200% scale but did get one zone with small holes in teh corners. I have posted photo's in discord.


damn, that looks so cool.


how do i get it to not fill in the middle?

Kieran Clarke

In Cura with all settings enabled for "spiralise outer contour. Tick this and tick "smooth spiralised contours"


I have 400x400x500 Letts see what that size looks like.


I LOVE this design. Just did one in eSun Copper and it looks fabulous!


Just finished on my CR-6 Max scaled up to 400mm high using Stronghero 3D Galaxy Red with a .8mm nozzle. Turned out excellent!

Gerhard Grobler

Used vase mode, 270mm tall on my BIQU B1. Then with 3 walls at 0.28mm water tight and with SBS filament bounce resistant to a degree.