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"Why doesn't the Verticality Box stack? It looks like it would stack!"

And now it does!

I have to agree, that inset lid looks very nice and stable, and it seemed a shame that the box wouldn't just stack in there.  But, that lid... I like that lid!  As usual, I'm driven by shape and proportions, and I just really like the way that lid fits into the top of the box, so I didn't want to change any of it.  So I changed the base instead!

The base now mimics the top, having rectangular protrusions on two sides, and an inset bottom profile that angles up to meet the outside walls.  This new base is an addition to the existing wall height, so the box is now a bit taller and has a slightly larger capacity.  It looks better, too - I like the way the lid echoes the base :)

Printing Tips

Both the lid and the body are designed for straightforward printing - no support, no odd angles, should be easy peasy.  The parts are printed oriented upright, like so:

File Location

The stackable version of the Verticality Box lives in the same directory as the original, which is:

863 Verticality Box

Final thoughts

It's really satisfying to see things evolve into better versions, and it's something I really love about the 3D printing world in general - we're never stuck with what we have, and the cost of improving is just a little time and effort.  3D printing has certainly changed my own creative processes and the way I approach technical problems.  People like to say that 3D printing is changing the world - they're probably right :)






I’ll be trying these in next few days.also hope pleased new orientation pics I suggested are now there.😊👍

Cathy O'Malley

I love this idea, stacking is a joy.


I can't find the post with the link to the files. Where did you hide the shared folders?


Fortunately, I was working on the Operator Box at the same time as I was contemplating this, so the Operator Box is stackable, too :D


The link is in this post right here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592. Let me know if you have any trouble with it!


That was a really good suggestion! Much clearer than me trying to describe it in words :D


I wonder if this would be a good choice for making into a salt cellar for the kitchen? I might have to try that out.