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Single!  Double!  Triple!  

Hello, hello, wonderful people!  Well, a lot of people said yes to taller two-piece machine canisters, so taller canisters we have!

While the height of these things is fairly arbitrary, I did want to try to tie together the different heights so that they'd look relatively sensible against each other.  So, we have the original single height, a new double height and a new triple height!  Though, the dimensions aren't precisely multiples of each other.  Rather, the design on the side is duplicated, and the top and bottom borders are maintained as dividing lines, so the heights are based on making that happen.

I like that overall look - kind of like building blocks :)

Printing tips

The new models will print exactly like the original single-height one, just higher!  I've successfully printed with 0.3mm layers, and it worked quite nicely (and much faster).

One note though - I've test printed the double height, but had a printer failure on the triple, so I haven't tested that properly yet!  There's no reason why there should be issues, but maybe just check your slicer preview to be sure.  Call me paranoid :P

File locations

You'll find these two new models in the same dropbox folder as the original Machine Canister 2P models.

This was almost the first model that would have been hosted on a nice website instead, but I found some login issues that need to be resolved first!  Not far off, now, though - I can't wait for things to be better organised!

Until next time...

Have fun!






Hmm, I originally published this as "Machine Boxes" rather than "Machine Canisters"... now corrected!


The timing couldnt be better. I was looking around at my desk and noticed i had some very short canisters, but no tall ones. Problem solved


To print, do I have to use any horizontal retraction settings?


This box body shouldn't require much, if any, retraction at all! It's just one big block, really. The lid isn't too retraction-heavy either, though it is made up of several parts.