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Hey there wonderful people!

Circular holes can be a pain to print, and this is a print that has some.  Now, usually the worst that happens is that the top of the hole gets a bit messy, but in this case there was one person who had the top of the bolt hole repeatedly warp, get hit by the nozzle, and detach from the bed.  Nobody wants that.

Fortunately, there's a fix to such things!  Rather than a circle, there's now a version with a teardrop-shaped bolt hole, where the angle internally there never exceeds 45 degrees.  so, if you've had any issues with that part of the print, try this version out!

The model is in the same place as before, but the body is titled Planetary Body Easier Print.

Happy gear-ing! :D






Is it possible to get direct links in the posts or the emails themselves? Some of my artist/writer Patreons will send the files with direct links in the emails. Makes life (and updates) so much easier. 8-)


That's an excellent idea! It's also hard to browse the designs, so I'm currently experimenting with the Patreon plugin for WordPress to see if that'll solve everything :)


How do you get the first layer to not bond the gears to the hub and rim?


Mostly, you have to watch how much "elephant foot" you're getting on your prints! With larger models I can generally add features to limit the impact of that, but on this one everything's too small, so things need to be a bit more precisely printed. If you really need to squish the print down because of bed adhesion concerns you could always use a raft, though bottom layer quality tends to be a little rougher when doing that!