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Dropbox for downloadable models:

Last updated June 2023


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Dropbox still exists? Duude... Google Drive! ;) But also, I'd love if there were a directory where we could browse photos to see all the models without having to go into each individual folder. Is there such a thing?


Nooooo no Google Drive! Please don't... Have tried it once on my Mac and it sucks big time.


Hello everyone, just joined today. This is a great design, can't wait to give this to my wife!


I think a directory of some sort would also be a very useful feature!


Long time fan, first time supporter on Patreon. Looking forward to printing these awesome designs!


It appears (above) that people have been asking Sven for a directory for a couple of years now, and it doesn't seem like that is going to happen :( Shame.


OK, I invested 30 minutes into this, ran a bunch of scripts on all of the files etc, and this is what I came up with: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qWEBTahKMZKXb38cA -Each model has ONE photo (probably not the best one, but, there's no way I was doing this manually, and it's better than nothing) -The file names are such: "### - Name" so you can find it easily on Dropbox MOST IMPORTANTLY, you can now flick through all models in one easy format. Obviously, I don't own the copyrights to these pics, so if you want me to assign the album to you Sven, or you hate it and want to take it down, just tell me... But, it seems a lot of people are asking for this, so, I thought I'd do it for you.


Check this out: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qWEBTahKMZKXb38cA I made it, hope Sven likes it.


Hi, Thanks for taking the time to do this, and it looks great. One question, I'm not seeing file names as you describe. Is there a setting I am missing?


If you hit the "info" button on the top right, you'll see the file name :)


what I do, after download all designs and uncompress, I just search for all.jpg and when I pick something I just check the folder number


This is actually incredible! Thanks for doing this Jonathan!


Printables is looking to add support for paid creators to put their stuff up there in place of things like Dropbox. There are various reasons that might be a non-starter for any particular creator but it'd take care of being able to browse stuff. Have you been following that at all?


I have indeed! I was fortunate to be one of the creators they talked to a few months ago, and I was really struck with how sincere they were about coming up with an approach that would be positive for everyone involved. What they've decided on is looking good! That said, I've also been talking to MyMiniFactory about their options, too. Both would be far better than Dropbox :D I'm mostly concerned with what what's going to be most convenient and practical for the wonderful people who support me, but I'm not rushing into the decision as it's going to be a big job to get everything migrated!


Awesome! I'm not "in the know" in any serious way but one never knows who got left out of any given news. Good to hear it's on the radar!


Oh, I very much appreciate the heads-up! I am really only in the know about things because people prod me about them, haha :)

Jonathan Murray

This is fantastic! Thanks for doing this - any chance of automating it so new releases get added?

Aladin Isakovic

Warum kann ich bei Dropbox nichts mehr runterladen?


Is the discord public or for members only?


I downloaded the zip file for the entire dropbox as I do periodically and I'm being told when I go to extract it that the file is invalid and empty even though it is showing on my hard drive as being about 631 MB in size.


Weird! That's not something that I have any control over, however - I just upload files and Dropbox does the rest. I will ask around and see if anyone else having any trouble with it!


I've tried re-downloading it and the file size is larger but still won't open. It's like it is saying that the download is complete but isn't actually completely downloading. It's weird.


Oops, it had expired! I've created a new one and updated the url - this one is set not to expire 😁


Better to change your Dropbox link monthly. There have been cases where people cancel their memberships but then still actively download the models months afterwards because your link never expires. Always pirates and thieves out there. And you have no way to control or monitor what is downloaded by who from Dropbox. People can even share the link to no Patreons as you don't need to log in to download anything. Just my 2 cents worth.


Thank you! That's all very true, and your insights are appreciated! I've currently been changing the link around the 20th of the month, but there's no reason I couldn't change it more frequently. I try not to stress too much about piracy, but that's no reason to be complacent! :)


Some of the bigger patreons I use have password protected monthly drops. Artisan Guild uses Sync i believe is the name


That's an interesting approach, though there's the added complication of an increasingly large amount of content to manage, so a solution that could both manage security and make stuff more accessible would be ideal! There's WordPress plugin for Patreon that does half the job, but it doesn't address the file storage aspect...


With the 896 Logitech C922 Webcam Case. Will you need support?


OK thank you


I can find the The Operator Box to download. Were is it located?


I found it thank you.


Printing now! (using ProtoPasta on a Lotmaxx Shark)


What is the name of the vase in the picture on this page?

Michael Schecker

i have no cat so i let my printer purring while printing your new very nice design


Is there some kind of nice overview of the designs? I'm kinda new here and the amount of designs is overwhelming. Which is nice of course 😎


That is an excellent idea! There is no convenient way to browse things, but there definitely should be...


There definitely should be an easier way of browsing designs rather than scrolling through a long list of blog posts - I'd like to see a page of thumbnails of each design - I have asked Patreon support about this maybe more people should request this, it can't be difficult


I can create simple webpage for you with thumbnails and folder name. So people can find models easily. What you think?


Hi, I just wanted to Say Hello; I just joined today. Maybe you are curious as to how people find out about you? I was researching the Mosaic Pallet 3 Pro yesterday on and off. It seems like every time I had the chance to hop on the computer. I eventually landed on YouTube and started watching videos when I came across this one from Joel 3D Printing Nerd. His review sold me on the Pallet, and his review also sold me on your work! He was demonstrating the Toaster, and I was hooked! So I thought I'd share that with you, and I want to tell you that I think your work is exceptional. I am very excited to see all of your designs, and like a kid in a candy store, I don't know which to print first. Keep up the great work, and thank you for sharing your talent and art with us all.

ydkjman S

I wanted to chime in and also add that I was watching a video by BV3D: Bryan Vines and he had made the Neutron Tube. I was hooked. Seeing a print in place like that with no supports, I was sold. Joined that same day and have been printing pieces ever since. Thanks for your hard work and awesome designs


Great work! I'll post some pix of prints one of these days :) But mostly, I wanted to comment as a note to myself, that the magnets in your prints are "6x3mm cylindrical magnets" I keep having to search and scroll way back to find that, or did I miss it in a FAQ somewhere? Thanks, keep the awesome designs coming!!