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I know I just shared a (cropped) non sfw piece but I've been considering for a while now doing more adult and ['specific interest'] content for here and just in general.

I feel like it'd be much more well received. The reason I fought against the rules to make my page sfw was because I wanted it to be like, discoverable. But I don't think that matters, I mean who actually browses the homepage of patreon looking for artists.

I'd rather allow content of all kinds and get more productivity here in general than trying to limit myself. But I didn't just want to drop it on everyone

So let me know what your thoughts are on this.



Definitely interested in seeing more NSFW from you. Unfortunately Patreon goes through cycles where it cracks down on certain content, and [specific interest] (ie stuff your snakes do to relax ponies) tends to get more scrutiny. I don't want to discourage you from posting that kind of work. I enjoy it, especially that topic. But Patreon gets weird around it.


I'd be very interested in seeing NSFW from you more often. c: