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Sorry it took me a few days to post this one. 

Started out as a doodle/practice with my new tablet but kept adding to it haha. originally it was just a bust shot and then became full body then rew some coils around it and then a tree and then added Kaa in there and here we are XD

I know this is such a cheesy setu pand an overused line, but I can't help loving it and this scene in general and love reimagining it over and over again every which way you can think of.

I imagine whoever he was with was complaining as she heard Xai mumbling something to them yet again, and told him to be quiet 'til morning, then murmered about how difficult the treck tomorrow was going to be. A real nightmare!

But as Kaa says, he certainly has a solution for her.
(I wnder who IS on the other end of the branch though?)




Wow, Look really Nice mate