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So for a while now I have been trying to get round to doing some mini folios. they will be about 3-5 pics each. whereas if I ever get round to a bigger portfolio it'd probably aim to be around 15.

thing is I shove so much work onto my own shoulders I haven't gotten around to it yet x_x but I will soon!

So I just want to ask ,what would you all like the theme to be? I will take suggestions.
the easiest would probably be ponies but if you wanted something else that's be cool.
it can be NSFW or clean.

I actually in the space of writing this just came up with an idea for one, so just deleted a paragraph and wrote this instead XD but hey I will be happy to take all your suggestions for whatever themes or subjects you would like to see from mini folios in the future.

Basically I do not want to simply hold back posting my pictures to release in paid downloads. that is just simply a paywall. But instead making bonus, extra pictures for the patrons and anyone else wiling to  buy them would be kewls~



A series huh? Sounds fun! Sounds like you had an idea already, which is probably gonna be great, but if you are still looking for suggestions. I had this idea for a hypnosis NSFW thing once, kinda fits in with the whole mini series idea. Anyway, the idea is Twilight revisits her transformation into Alicorn Princess and toys with the messed up parts of Starswirls original work for science. By accident she accidentally sets the cutie mark reversal spell again, only this time with a more hypnotic effect. The mane six slowly start to become their opposites from the original episode, but only now acting like their opposites is arousing. Why? IDK, I just like the idea of Applejack getting off to making a dress or Pinkie Pie bucking apples. I think you get the idea. They are much more aware that it is happening this time, but maybe just one more cloud, one more dress, one more apple tree, maybe just after I feed this poor helpless animal, and yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, even if you don't like it, hopefully you at least enjoy the idea of it :P