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Page 31 (EN/ES)!



Kuma Richards

Coming out of the closet isn't easy sometimes, it wasn't for me in the beginning, so I understand him. Things will work out, if they hold it together ❤


It isnt easy at all. I didnt come out till my early twenties, but glad I did. In this situation, the wink on the previous page makes me think his dad figured it out already.


My dad and I were estranged in my teens... and I had memories of him saying some pretty opinionated/homophobic things as a kid, so I was expecting the worst when I came out to him as a young man. He was silent for a while and then said the last thing I expected: "Well, that's something I don't know very much about...." But he accepted implicitly that I did, so he proceeded to ask me questions and listened to my answers without judging so he could learn. After about 20 minutes of this he was again silent for a while and finally said "Well, I guess it's not that different then, is it?" That was that. I'd like to say nothing changed in our relationship, but that's not true... it has improved dramatically over the years since.