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Page 61 (EN/ES)

And that’s the end of this chapter!

Wow, this was quite a journey~

This comic was an emotional roller coaster and we loved doing it.

I want to say thank you to you all! I know it isn’t the usual kind of comic I do, so we’re so glad that we counted with your support.

Hope we can write more stories like this in the future. And thank you so much for following this story! ^^




So sad it's over but absolutely loved it!

Dustin Dynamo

😢😭 I love them so much and as I wish it would not end. I can not think of a better ending. Thank you for giving us these two for so long!

Eppy NWS

I am delighted that "Hey, come here and have one of those stress-boners that's getting you talked-about in this here closet, I need to get fucked" turned into a loving supportive relationship that allowed them to both grow and become better people. I feel like that's kind of how a lot of relationships happen, too.


Honestly I hope there is a Chapter 4 soon.


Looks like Paul has finally found his place in the world. Thanks to Thomas, Paul has come so far and was able to become his best self. Nicely done Zourik. It's nice to find people who can help us become our best self. This chapter was definitely a emotional rollercoaster. I mean Paul was always worried about his parents finding out he was gay but they already knew. His parents say they will love him no matter what but they still wanted Paul to stay in the closet. After realizing that it was time for Paul to move out and find his own place in the world where he is free to be himself. Luckily he has Thomas by his side to help him prove his parents wrong. Now Paul is free to be his own person. There is no need to hide anymore. I hope we get to see another chapter. It would be great to see how far Thomas and Paul have come. Also it would be interesting to see the look on Paul's parents faces to realize they were wrong about their son. Great job on this comic 👏. Keep up the good work.