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Hi guys!

I hope you all are doing well. As many of you may realize, lately I have been having a fairly heavy workload trying to maintain several comic projects at the same time, which has caused the time I can dedicate to other types of projects to be reduced.

I don't like the fact that now every time I open commissions I only have time to make a few a month, which doesn't seem fair to you. But unfortunately for me I don't have enough time to get done the amount of commissions I would like.

Therefore, I have decided to rework the Commissions Tier.

First of all:

To those who participated in the form to get a commission this last month. Congratulations! Everyone will be accepted. I don't want to leave any loose ends, so all of you will receive your completed commission eventually. They will all be taken in order of arrival, so when your turn is close to arriving I will notify you so that you do not have problems when it's time to make the payment. This will probably take a couple of months as there are quite a few, but I think it's the best way for everyone to end up happy. If for any reason you no longer want your commission or want to change it, you can write to Kazu on the Discord Server, he will be in charge of letting me know/making the necessary corrections.

In second place:

The $20 tier is not going away. The last time I tried removing a tier it only caused problems. Those who did not leave it caused the tier to remain active and charged them without being able to access any kind of content. So what I'm going to do is change it to create the "Sketchbook Tier".

What is the Sketchbook tier based on?

I'll keep a Google Form open all the time where you can submit your character and a couple of keywords/things that you like. And several times a month I will grab some of them and make a sketch for them at no extra cost (Similar to the ones I did in Stream with a couple of extra details). Obviously this will have its own rules, like I'm not going to repeat characters consecutively. But that doesn't mean you can't receive another sketch after you've got one, obviously as long as you're still part of that tier, you can receive a sketch at any time!

These changes are going to be effective probably next month, and I think it is the most effective way to solve my time problem, since sketches don't usually take me much time.

That being said, you'll know more details in the coming days as I finish laying everything out.

So you know, if you have any questions please comment here and I will try to answer them all.

Thank you very much for your support!


Bobby YorbenFormbringer

Upgrading my subscription regardless (this saturday), a sketch from you would still be awesome to have! And I would love to see Bobby in your style!


Understood! Ill keep supporting you either way big guy!