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  • Real-Time weight gain. Let me get stuck in the doorway. 168
  • 'Safe' weight gain. No getting stuck mid-level. 37
  • 2024-03-01
  • —2024-03-03
  • 205 votes
{'title': 'GAMEPLAY QUESTIONS', 'choices': [{'text': 'Real-Time weight gain. Let me get stuck in the doorway.', 'votes': 168}, {'text': "'Safe' weight gain. No getting stuck mid-level. ", 'votes': 37}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 3, 4, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 1, 1, 45, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 205}


A lot of people have asked and YES! This game has weight gain. Your size will have an effect on the world and limit your mobility and such as it did in SFRPG (tldr: you can't go through doorways anymore fatty) 

That being said: there's issues with a constantly changing weight. If, for instance, you are in a narrow alley and suddenly get too big for it. You're *stuck*. I was worried about this but realize some people might actually LIKE this looming threat. 

The PROBLEM with this however, is that it can softlock you basically. I would add a way to easily reset to the nearest checkpoint if you get stuck in walls but, this WILL still set you back significantly in level progress, potentially. 

Do yall like that? Is this part of the thrill of gain? Or would the looming threat of loosing all level progress for mechanics beyond your control become too frustrating. REALLY think about what it might be like to play like this. 

The alternative is that you wouldn't actually gain your new weight you've earned until specific 'safe' spaces. Like entering/leaving a level. (Or possibly on something like a 'new day')

edit: If yall really like Real-Time gain we'll be testing it out of course. If I find it causes too many unexpected bugs it may still be axed.  But if yall are willing to try it we'll try it. 



Incentivizing smarter level design through possibly workable puzzles or alternate routes depending on weight... Easy to say on paper, but are y'all up to the task?


A bit late to the party here, but would you consider having a gameplay setting, possibly tied to the save file, that allows players to choose which option they want to play with? Always better to offer the choice if you can mechanically 😎👌


I debated this but, its one of those things that will change gameplay and level design so radically that if we allow both: one of the two will be the 'preferred' and be heavily built around. It's doable but I will still need to know what the 'real' one is.