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There'll be a small epilogue next week (Christmas). It won't be the size of a normal chapter, probably, because I'm going to be planning Book 5! 

There might be an empty week of no updates to help me organize for Book 5. Book 4 got away from me and ended up being something like... Uh. I'm adding it up right now and it appears to be 700,000 words??? UHHH. Well. Is that right? Chapters 81-120, at 18,000 words apiece... Roughly 700,000 words. Huh. 

Book 5 will not be that. 

I already have a plan for Book 5, though. So. 

Look forward to it! 



Matt H

Thanks for the great story!

Corwin Amber

Thanks for the continuing great story :) and looking forward to the epilogue (when he possibly wakes up again to be yelled at....by EVERYONE) lol


Still loving your work as much as when I first picked up on RR. Remember to take time for yourself, and have a fantastic holiday! 🎉


700,000 words? ...Well, shoot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest_novels


Congratulations on finishing the book! Take your time and enjoy the holidays


That last chapter brought me to tears... What an adventure you've brought us on!


Even with the timing of the off-week, I've had to get patreon to finish reading to the end of a book. Because you have managed to craft an actual story, and one that is frankly, better in the experience than a lot of published fiction I've read. I've binged read it over the course of a few days. I'm probably going to go back and comment on specific chapters, here, and still not spoiling anything, because that's one of the things--you really manage to put stuff into a new light on many, many occasions. I mean, I decided at the start to, no matter what, give this story a few extra chapters to see where i goes after that first registrar gave Jane and Erick water. It was a very, heh, human thing to do of somebody who was 95% sure they were trying to f**k him over, and 5% buying into their 'act'. It showed a lot of characterization even then. Learning about Frontier, then learning about the Quiet War after that. Yeah. Great writing. But, it is starting to break my heart that Erick doesn't actually, you know, have any friends. He has a community that he's a part of and that he's giving a lot of himself to, but no actual friends. In a similar vein, although things are going to be busy for a while, is he REALLY that trusting of Poi? I mean, he did just let shades go, two of which are clearly an active threat, so yeah, he could be. But: Mind Mage. Who, based on his intro chapters where he says humans are just easy to read, did not use to be reading Erick's mind nearly as much as he is now (granted, that could be more because Erick is sending out the opposite of 'no' anytime he's wondering if Poi can hear him.) I hope Poi isn't the exact opposite of a friend, because I really do like their interactions and it seems like one of the major things Erick does still need a bodyguard from are mental threats. And mind mages. And friends, although those seem harder to come by than bodyguards. And here I was reading up to these chapters before all the action picked up wondering how Poi would deal with hearing any intrusive thoughts, because I mean, Erick's dealing with a lot more anger than he's familiar with dealing with since coming to Veird. But, curtesy you making each book have qualitative shifts from the others (great job on that, btw) that's now the last mind mage problem on my mind. More pressing is how Erick hasn't even ASKED what their code of secrecy prevents them from telling, or how much they actually overhear from him: Like, all that stuff with the Gods, protected in some way or not? Still. Yeah. I get his perspective, he likely has had the thought that his bodyguards will all turn on him if he proves a threat to Spur, because they're all employed to spur, and thought that that's just fine because he never wants to attack the town. But what if he just wants to release . . . shades into . . . well . . . okay, he's already done that and they've already allowed Candlepoint so hopeful Silverite doesn't want to literally kill him for that. But what if he enters actual conflict with just Silverite? I do see the point in allowing potential spies and assassins to live with him though: Mutually assured destruction because no one should have that much power. That he actually is fine with that setup, welp, at least he's not going to fall for the whole extra power thing. . . . that's how much thoughts you get on a story when someone binge reads something this long.


You should join the discord, it's a bunch of us asking questions and wondering about stuff just like this. As for Poi, I think it's pretty safe to say he's a friend; not only have we had perspectives looking at Poi when Erick isn't around, Erick trusts him a great deal and he's a good judge of character. We don't know the code of secrecy because of the memetic hazards and with how good Erick is at reading Poi, that would put Poi in a very difficult decision. Erick values Poi more as a friend than as a source of information on mind mages, and Poi knows and reciprocates.

Jack Trowell

Is the short épilogue still planned for this week or has it Ben delayed for after the break? No problem if delayed, but I won't keep refreshing the page if it is. Thanks in advance