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Thanks for coming to check out my patreon!

I just started publishing my web serial portal fantasy, Ar'Kendrithyst, on Royal Road on this day, and will continue to publish until... I don't know. Completion, most likely, whenever that is.

I've written many books and a few fanfictions before, but have never published them until now. For me, a mostly-completed story with multiple books usually runs about 450,000 words. This work should run ... long.

I designed Ar'Kendrithyst for a long run time, with book-length stretches of plot in an average 100k-200k range, depending on POVs.

Speaking of which, Jane is likely going to get the spotlight at some point in time.

All of this is to say, I hope you enjoy the read and the world of Veird, wherever it might take Erick and Jane Flatt.



Keep it up! Loving it so far


Oh wow! Thank you so much!


I had to support after i binge read entire thing in a night, just would feel wrong not to.