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Here's 59k for part 2 of the story.

As you can see, the name changed. This is a much better name! Thank you to patrons who convinced me to change the name, and Tmarkos with the specific suggestion!

I'll begin uploading the story to RR and begin with making this the new web serial soon-ish.


In general, Mark is less angry at the dragon because he watched a video from his parents, made in the event that they were going to die, because it seemed very likely. Here now is that scene:

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This scene takes place just after Mark reads his the letters from his mom and dad.

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“Ahhh,” Mark breathed out. “This sucks.”

An understatement if there ever was one.

Mark carefully packed the letters away, being careful of the fresh tears he had dropped onto all of Mom’s essay and onto Dad’s 1-page of letter and 2-pages of ‘how to be an adult’.

It wasn’t enough to remember them by.

It was all he had left of—

There was that video recording.


Mark steeled himself, not sure if he could handle seeing their faces and hearing their voices right now, but he was going to try. He picked up the phone that had come in the communication package… He stared at the phone for a little while. And then he poked around at a few options until he found the one he wanted.

A bright gold application glowed in the app menu. It was labeled COFR, or rather ‘Citadel of Freyala Resources’.

Mark pressed the button.

Golden light spilled out from his phone, along with a feminine voice, “Greetings, Mark Careed. How may COFR help you today?”

“I want… I want to see the video that my parents recorded… for me.”

“I can assist you with that.”

A button propagated. It was labeled ‘Home Movies’.

Mark furrowed his brow a little at the naming of the icon, but then he clicked on it and he almost broke down crying again. It was all of Mark’s videos taken with his previous phone, transferred across the globe and into this phone, probably through the grid and City AIs talking to each other. It was also linked to his parents’ social media videos, that they had taken over the years. There were Dad’s fishing videos. There were Mom’s videos that she used to take all the time about editing tips, and when she went out to her friends’ houses for parties. Vacation memories at the beach and—

And there was a video labeled ‘For Mark. In case the worst should happen.’

Mark pressed play.

Mom and Dad stood in a concrete bunker room, like the one they had in the basement of the house. There was a nice light and some nice furniture, and it looked sort of cozy, but it was a bunker room. The walls were concrete. Mom wore that comfy sweater she always liked, and Dad wore jeans and a shirt. Both of them were looking at the camera—

Mom teared up instantly, like she was happy crying at a wedding, or watching a good movie. She smiled, and that was all she could do, save for softly whispering, “I’m sorry— You start, Markus.”

Dad put an arm around Mom and Mom tried to bring it back together, as Dad said, “Hey, Mark. We’re here at day 4 of quarantine…” He was smiling a lot, too. “But we’ve seen pictures of you, getting bigger and stronger out there with some fresh weapons!”

Tears streamed down Mark’s face as he smiled to see both of them look happy.

Mom choked up, but she managed to say, “You look so good out there, Mark!”

Dad said, “We heard that treatment is working out well for you! And it really is!”

Mom breathed. She got in control and then she said, “You’re going to do wonderful…” And then she choked up again, and this time her joy was smaller, quieter, becoming a sadness. She controlled herself while Dad held her hand tightly, and then she said, “We’re kinda freehanding this, Mark. We never expected to be in this position, but we’re glad to be here, too.”

Dad said, “Your words there, before we left. You quoted Glorious Man and a bit of Dad— your grandpa, too. Humanity helps each other. That is what we do. And you’re right. That is what we do.”

Mom strongly said, “If it was one of us in your position we would do the same thing, and we would hope that the others would understand. And we do understand, Mark. We understand a lot. We hope this video never needs to reach you, but if it was us, we would want to know that we didn’t leave the others wondering…” She breathed. She said, “We do the right thing, even if it hurts, and the right thing is to bring Addashield back to humanity.”

Mom was the one holding on strongly to Dad’s hand, now.

Dad squared himself, and said, “We raised you well, son. No trauma in this household!”

Mom chuckled through the tears. “When this thing with Addashield works out, don’t blame yourself for what happens to us.”

Dad said, “Don’t live your life for revenge. Don’t give yourself that sort of trauma.”

Mom said, “Live your life to help people, just like you always wanted. You’re good at that!”

“But you should absolutely sue Addashield for what he has done in his near-Fall.”

“Sue that fucker! He’s absolutely going to have a world-action lawsuit against him, like what they did to Verdant Guardian in the 2000’s when she did that plant manipulation that turned monstrous.”

“Just don’t make that consume your life, either. Hop into the world-action suit and let the lawyers take it over for you. And live your life how you want!”

Mom smiled. “We love you, Mark.”

Dad grinned. “We love you, son.” And then he steeled himself, and said, “If the worst should happen and you get this video, then call my brother and his husband. Memphi is a great place to live. Obviously, you should live your life wherever you want, but make that place your home. They’ve told us that our home is probably not going to survive. We hope that it does! But…” He frowned.

Mom was calm as she said, “They’re probably going to blow it up the second you take the Tutorial and leave the space, just so they get a clean shot at whatever comes out of there with Addashield.”

Dad sighed. “Yeah. The house is probably toast. I had a lot of good memories, there. I hope you did, too, Mark. We asked for all of our videos online to be curated for you, and the City AI did that… or at least that was the plan. I recorded some stuff in there to tell you if you get married! And a few other things! Some of them are even funny. Look them up sometime!”

Mom choked up again.

Dad held Mom, saying, “Your mother did, too.”

Mom nodded.

“I love you, son. Goodbye.”

Mom said, “I love you, Mark. Goodbye.”

The video ended there.

Tears fell and Mark’s emotions were somewhere around here, but he could not grasp them at all.

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... Also the dragon now calls Mark 'his brother' in the brief snippets of recorded video Mark has seen of him.

All in all, some really good changes, IMO!!!

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Thanks for reading!

I have uploaded epub and PDF!



It's going to be sad to drop down to more reasonable size parts, but this has been fantastic. I still hold the gripe that he needs to desperately seek therapy sooner rather than later though. He's getting better at not just trauma dumping on anyone who mentions the dragon, but he really should be moving all the way past it. Not moving past his parents dying, just the illogical connection to the dragon as the killer. As an aside, it sorta annoys me that he hates Inquisitor Union magic so much. He can apply offensive Union magic to monsters just as effectively as people. Maybe even more effectively because humanoid bodies tend to be more balanced and monsters tend to have great flaws to expose and attack. Especially if he intends to help deal with large monster groups before he can control dozens of adamantium blades.


Newly subbed from RR, honestly the blaming of the dragon was getting a little tedious. I’m glad he has a route to not do that. In almost every possible way this was the best case scenario, and his parents made the decision to sacrifice themselves. He’d be spitting on their sacrifice to go after the dragon.

Zachary Blevins

Dear author, You write conversations between people so well it actually sounds like you’re overhearing the conversation Where several authors use every conversation to inform the reader about something of the story or the world or the characters, you actually write conversations as if their conversations that are actually happening you Could probably write a sitcom or a screenplay well The chapters from the point of view, of the dragon were interesting in the end that’s more interesting character than the main character to me I’ll give him like a C as far as main character goes Healthy body Unity Metal manipulation for one alloy It’s not a power said I like it seems like with unity you can do a lot, but it’s one of those things. The author can just bend it rather than preset rules you can wrap your head around. You’ve not done a lot of world building and we’re 200 trap in I hope we’re not another 200 chapters in college a lot of times people went to college to write about college and that starts boring me You have some decent character development that I like I would drop the sexual orientation stuff if you’re gonna make your main character asexual then just don’t give us the sexual preferences of seven or eight other characters. Just write it out of the story. In the world were nations are thing in the past and you’re converting back to city states I wouldn’t even give the character ethnic descriptions I would get physical descriptions Blue eyes blonde hair Tans skin dark skin calm She has a radiant smile. Her eyes are arresting in conversation. They light up and darken depending on her mood. And I think other people have said this, but stop having him bellyache about the dragon if somebody killed my parents and I knew who they were I would simply say I’m going to get that person or thing or creature and I would begin planning it. I wouldn’t feel the need to Tell anyone The best store ever is probably the count of Monte Cusco it took him decades and he planned it out for a decade. I think 15 years in prison and 10 years everywhere else plan his revenge


I confess to being kinda disappointed that Mark is asexual. It feels like he's the sort of guy who could actually be a decent man in a relationship, and there's so few men in webfiction who're portrayed as fundamentally good partners. Write the story you want to write, but I'm a little sad.


With regards to the point about asexuality: if you're going to actually highlight asexuality as a choice by the main character, you have to show other people feeling differently. Ace representation can't really exist in a novel where no one expresses sexual interest at all.