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And we are back in action! Now with (hopefully) uninterrupted updates every Friday until we reach a specific point in the story. Then the comic will go on a short hiatus and you'll get the entire finale in a single +10 page update. I will miss the random updates, it was fun to drop pages out of nowhere at any given time. But this method is more manageable.

Defeating ARM-D11 was something of a formality at this point. But I hope I could still convey this scene in an engaging and interesting way.
Now, as the audience, we know that things aren't really over. But let's take a moment to appreciate that Chai has just managed to beat all three KEMN0 models despite being unarmed, alone (safe for 808), and with no prep time at all.
For that, I think he has earned... the slow clap.


gg Chai.



Nice Demon Queen

Come on Chai. You got this! 808 to the rescue. The fight is not over yet and they better prepare what is to come next. You are an amazing artist with beautiful story lines.


It's a good thing I work from home on Friday cause I practically jumped out of my seat when I got the notification! The page looks great as usual! I love the way Chai moves in these action scenes and how you emphasize the motion, it's always so nice to look at. I'm glad things aren't over yet! I saw on tumblr that you mentioned interest in the comic has waned which is really disappointing. Putting so much effort into something and not getting much feedback is no fun. It's already a small fandom, and fandoms seem to die so quickly these days. Everyone I've shown Mostly (h)Armless to loves it and is invested in the story, but I'm the only one who comments unfortunately. (Or draws fanart, and man are those last panels giving me ideas! About time I drew something angsty!)

Nice Demon Queen

I agree with you there. I was surprised when Xannador posted it on tumblr about the audience’s interest has lost attention. My heart dropped, but I am glad the comic will keep going. Even though, it will be finished. Despite the fact the fandom is small, I still support this game. People really need to show they still support their favorite fandoms. Also, Xannador, don’t be discouraged. Your effort into this HFR comic is amazing. I enjoyed reading every page with content. One last thing, Angel, your fanart of HFR is awesome as always.