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I kept telling myself I wasn't drawing more backgrounds and here I am, doing exactly that. Speaking of backgrounds, if you have a good memory of the level layout of the museum level, you will know exactly what's behind that glass. It's just up to Indiana Chai to not get pancaked. And he sure is getting tired.

Comments absolutely welcomed and infinitely appreciated! (I know I keep saying it but, I mean it. Reader reactions is half the fun!)

As an aside, the polar jetstream has largely come in clutch for my area this summer and protected us from the insane heat. It was perfect. Now, however, at the tail end of summer, it has finally collapsed and we got another heatwave. So I am going into hiding until it's either over or we invent air conditioning. See yus!




Ooooh we have a final page count now! I have no idea what I'm going to look forward to once you stop making HFR content, but no good thing can go on forever haha Speaking of things not lasting forever, Chai is looking reeeeeal worn down now, and (I think) it hasn't even been 10 minutes! Knowing what's on the other side of those windows this fight might come to a swift end with a dodge (or convenient fall?). Cause the alternative is either being flattened or, horrifyingly, being electrocuted by your own cat. I almost feel worse for 808 in that scenario. And this is just a little detail but I like how the beats get larger/louder as Chai gets closer to the viewer, the whole chase scene is really well done! I've got some other WIPs that I want to finish first but I'm already trying to decide on my next piece of fanart. So try and not die in the heat until then!!

Lysander Croix

Oh joy. The adrenaline’s starting to wear off. You got this 808! And man, once again I’m loving the expressions on this page.


Well it’s more of an education estimation. I have a document where Ive written down the “happenings” and script for each page. But if the composition turns out not to work when I get to sketching, I might move things around and the total number of pages can change. I hope I’ll be forgiven for not going back to fix the number on every post should I be a page or two off in the end. 😅 All stories come with a clock attached. But I think Mostly (h)Armless has a pretty impressive run. Especially compared to the original 42 pages. We would have been in the finale by now had I gone with that version. But I’m happy I didn’t. This is way more fun. Also thank you! The chase sequences have been interesting to play with. Although I think I’ve just about squeezed everything out of them that I could for this story so it’s time to change the whole dynamic to keep things fresh. My favourite part in the comic is so close now. ⚡️⚡️ And man. On one hand I wanna say you don’t have to draw all these things for me and that you provide more than enough support with your comments as it is… but on the other hand I totally wanna see every single idea you come up with. It really excites me, your previous two pieces were so delicious. (Speaking of, maybe after next public update you could share your first piece of Chai and 808 with him saying that someone needs to change. I think that would be a perfect time. People really loved your panel redraw and I don’t doubt they’ll love this one too!)