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This is the point in the story where we've reached a fork in the road. The moment Chai rammed that vent door off its hinges I had about 10 different ways the upcoming basement scene could play out. Several of which I realized upon further thought would realistically result in well... a game over for Chai. I storyboarded the others with my usual stick figures. I still couldn't pick one though. Then I remembered my comment from last page with Chai rolling nothing but nat 20s so I actually went and unironically rolled a dice to pick a scenario.

And what do you know? Chai got the only one where he doesn't get hurt at all from falling! Ironic, because now he's locked into the worst scenario of the lot...



Lysander Croix

He’s lucking out of terrible situations by the skin of his teeth! I have a feeling one of those sketches had the water electrified. Terrifying stuff. ARM-D11 looking very precarious too. Ooh boy this is gonna be a good one.

Nice Demon Queen

The god of luck and anime is on his side. Don’t die, Chai.