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Hello everyone!

I think it's time for another overview of local happenings. But first, thank you all again for your continued support for my comic endeavors! I'm very grateful for your interest and generosity!

I hope you've been enjoying the Pure Light remaster so far. I'm especially looking forward to showing you chapter 3! Updates will continue as usual every few days until I run out of pages. Which won't be for another month at least.

In the meantime, I've gone god-mode on my second (technically fourth) original comic, Grisly Tales. I'm not working on any other project until it is finished, which isn't that far off. I'm about halfway done with the line art, which is the biggest hurdle. Coloring shouldn't be much of an issue since this comic has quite a faded style. Grisly Tales part 1 will be finished by May at the very latest.

After finishing the storyboard for Grisly about this time last year I didn't really touch it anymore. Instead working on both Sunmakers and the PL ch1 remaster. Then, in October, there was be an event where comic book authors could pitch their project to publishing companies. I decided to go. So, I quickly finished 3 pages and spoke with a handful of publishers. Overall their reactions were quite positive and two were actually interested in publishing Grisly Tales if I could finish the first part on my own. 

However, I have not yet decided if I should publish Grisly through traditional means. Today there are more options than ever before. All of which have their own upsides and downsides, none of which are easy. I have done a lot of research into the matter already but it's still very confusing and overwhelming. I won't bore you with the details. I'll just try to make sure that when the time comes, I can get the book printed in good quality and ship it to anyone who wants one.

I'm also going to print a limited first edition of The Expansion. And though at first glance it's not a super special comic by any means... you never know... there is always a chance that it might increase in value someday. Who knows what the significance of that strange story is. Could be worth the investment. Especially if the first edition will only have 50 copies. Hint hint.

After Grisly Tales, I'm going to write Pure Light until the end. Right now there is only an outline of events, not a proper script with dialogue or details. There are only 4 chapters left. And though that might sound like a lot, considering what is planned... well, we are closer to the end than you might think. 

Anyway, once done with the script, I can also rewrite the remaster for chapters 2 and 3. I still don't have an estimation for the release date, there are too many factors at play. I can only vaguely wave my hand at 'sometime this summer.' 

And finally... Sunmakers. Dear dear, have I been neglectful of my baby. The truth is... I don't know what to do with it anymore. Before my first try, I had already procrastinated starting on it for years. I felt like my drawing, writing, and designing skills were not up to scratch to pull a project like this off. And even today, despite having improved a great deal, I'm still not where I should be. 

It's not just my art that is holding me back, it's my lack of experience, my indecision about the visuals, the length of the series itself. And more than anything, it's that I put this story on such a pedestal that anything but perfection will not do. Perfection...however, does not exist. And therefore Sunmakers cannot exist. At least not in the way I have it in my head.

One thing that can help me on the road to Sunmakers is experience. And I'm gaining that steadily. I think it would be best to have a few shorter projects to my name before I shackle myself to my own 'Berserk'. 

Obviously, The Expansion and Grisly Tales are the first. I've been hinting at another. You'll find out what that is eventually. This is why I think I'll change the purpose of this Patreon from 'supporting Sunmakers' to 'supporting my comics'. They are synonymous, after all.

Each comic is a pillar that helps to build a foundation. And even if I fail eventually, I will have finished many stories that can each stand tall on their own. As a whole, however, they will be spectacular. 

I want to succeed. I want to take people on a journey into the worlds only I can see.

And I will.


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