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hello there!

It's been another few quiet months for Sunmakers. And it doesn't seem like there will come an end to that soon. In order to not let this Patreon collect more dust, I have a suggestion.

You see, I have been working on 2 different projects. One is obviously Grisly Tales. And the other is the Pure Light remaster. 

(if you don't know what Pure Light is, it is a collaborative fan comic project between myself and rus, aka https://www.deviantart.com/ruscsi)

You can read the comic here if you want >> https://comicfury.com/comicprofile.php?url=purelight )

Would any of you be interested in this account becoming dedicated to the remaster for a while? I've completed about 1/3 of it so far.

if yes, what you can expect to see is the following; 

- getting to see the reworked pages immediately, obviously

-the comparisons between old and new. 

- Perhaps also my work process so you can see how much effort goes into this remaster. 

- I will (possibly) also completely redraw the first 20 pages of chapter 2. 

- And finally, because Pure Light is coming to webtoon, I wanted to make a prologue explaining the events of the Legend of Spyro trilogy for newcomers who never played the games. 

So there is a fair amount of brand new content, not just reworks of things that you may have already seen.  I included an example of a remastered page in attachments. As well as a brand new one from the PL chapter 1 remaster. So you can have an idea of what to expect.

Please let me know your thoughts. 




I think that's a neat idea. I would love to see redraws of your old pages~


I think that'd be a great idea! Especially since the first chapter is so old at this point. I'd personally love early access to the remastered pages.