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Hello there!

Another month has passed and it's time for an update as to what I have been up to.

The good news is that I have finished sketching all of Sunmakers episode 1. Not including the ones that are already available, there will be 63 pages. (so 93 for the full episode) I have plans to print the comic out once the first episode is finished. I'm really looking forward to that. Having my comic in print will make it feel a lot more real and it would give me a great sense of accomplishment.

However, as the title of the post suggest, there are a few clouds on the horizon. Despite the production of new pages going quite fast, I am delaying the return of Sunmakers to the end of the year. There are a few reasons for this.

First of all, my health. I'm afraid covid left a few marks that haven't fully healed yet and my current work schedule isn't helping. I work 7 days a week, mainly my real job as visual artist at a game studio and every evening and weekends on the comics, of which i have currently two ongoing. (more on that later) I also take evening classes.

I'm working so much now in fact, that it's already starting to affect my eyesight and back. Combine that with some damage covid left on my lungs and working at my tablet and desk is becoming increasingly uncomfortable. I can't keep the way I am currently working up or these issues might become chronic.

I have tried a few things to improve this, such as a standing desk and walking a good distance every day. But these solutions won't be effective enough when I spent every other waking moment as my desk. Not to mention that this kind of life is becoming a bit depressing. Since I wish to be making comics until I drop dead, I will have to find a better balance. Or that that dropping dead thing won't be long coming.

The best solution is to take things more slowly. To stay away from my desk in the evenings and at least on sundays. This will obviously slow me down a great deal. However, it's better than having my health detoriate to the point I can't make any comics at all anymore. Because I genuinely LOVE doing this.

The second reason is the other project I am working on; Grisly Tales. I have finished sketching that one as well. I'm currently in contact with a real comic artist who will help me publish GT for real. This is a golden opportunity to get my foot in the door in the professional comic industry and get my name out there.  So, I need to get GT finished quickly and not let this opportunity be wasted! Unfortunately, this means I have to shelve Sunmakers for a time.

Finally, I have some thinking to so about certain issues I have with Sunmakers as it currently exists. And my brain is so muddled by work and everything else going on that I can't make up my mind. Taking a break to work on something else will almost certainly help refresh me.

I guess this is not the news you guys were hoping to hear. No one regrets delaying the comic more than I. But for the sake of my own health and future career, this is how it must be.

Waiting for a comic for more than a year will test anyone's patience. And truly I won't blame you guys for removing your Patreon pledge if this is too long. I actually considered closing my Patreon since I'm not using it. But as I am intending to come back, I decided to leave it where it is. Obviously I will continue to pause billing for as long as I don't upload. But all the same, it is a really long time. So I understand if you want to move on.

Thank you for reading and for your patience. And I am sorry for not being able to deliver more content this year. Hopefully I can make up for it when I return.



It's all good, take the time you need. Not many get the chance that you are so seize it! We will be waiting patiently until you are ready. Good luck on it and I hope your covid symptoms abate during this time.


Oh my gosh, I completely forgot you had said you'd caught covid! I'm so sorry, all of this must be detrimental to you and I can't imagine trying to work under such stressful conditions. Obviously, the break is absolutely needed. As a fan, I'd rather you be... y'know, alive and well and posting in the future rather than expecting anything now, so if a break is what's needed, even until the complete end of the year, then by all means, take as long of a break as you need! Even though it won't exactly be a complete break, since you'll still be working on other projects, that is definitely a huge load off of the table for now. If you you ever do it though, I am excited for Sunmakers to be printed out. Would it be available for purchase in that case? I would love to have a copy of it! I sincerely hope your health will improve after making those changes, because I know what it's like to try and force work out when you're barely functioning, let alone HAVING to do it for a livelihood.