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I have scheduled weekly uploads for concept art until the end of the year. Every saturday, 2-6 concept art pictures will go up as well as a little information related to them.  

These updates will vary from environment design and creature concepts to machines and logos. 

I am currently still in the storyboarding process for new comic pages. Progress for those has been relatively slow as I refuse to settle for anything that I am not 200% confident about. The next location especially has been a point of great struggle. And I cannot force this process to go any faster. I often sit there, breaking my brain for hours on end, digging for these little eureka moments when I can be like 'Yes! That's it!"

As stupid as that sounds, those eurekas are vital for my creation process. They are the source of the unique and memorable concepts you see in the comic. But they are rare and take their sweet time to appear. Once I have settled for every aspect of the next part of the comic, production will start to speed up.

I will post WIPS and teasers of the next pages as I get further along in their production. As well as anything else I make along the way.

Thanks for your continued support and patience! I hope you will enjoy the concept art coming your way.


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