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Hello to you all!

I have just finished drawing all pages of part 3 of the first episode. This means weekly updates are guaranteed to continue until the 14th of October. I would like to leave a heads-up that, after the 14th, there will be a small break before weekly updates resume. 

Though I will undoubtedly have finished more pages by that time, I won't be able to keep up with weekly updates for much longer. Even as I dedicate two full days to making them every week, some pages still take over half a month to complete. Sadly, I can't dedicate more time to drawing comics as I have to combine this with work, commissions and evening classes.

At the speed I am going, I know I will run out of buffer pages before I can conclude part 4. And I don't like the idea of not being able to follow my weekly update schedule. I believe it is better to leave a bit of time between each part. That way it can be assured that there will be no interruptions once a new part begins.

I want to continue making content in the highest quality I can provide. And I also strive for consistency in uploads. In order to achieve both, I really need this pause. This is no hiatus. I will still be working on the comic as I did before and I can guarantee that updates will resume before the end of the year. In the meantime, I will upload weekly concept art and sneak peaks.

I hope I can count on your understanding and continued support. Part 4 will be a fun one. It deserves the necessary time and love to make it as good as possible.

Thank you!


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