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Hello to everyone who hasn't left.

I wanted to take a moment of your time and patience to explain why I set up this Patreon to begin with. You may have already read it on my profile; to support my dream of becoming a full time comic artist.  

I really, really love drawing comics. I'm quite good at it too. It is perhaps the only job I can do over 10 hours a day and feel satisfied with. Telling stories and designing places of fantasy is what I do best. I want to take people on a journey into the worlds I can see whenever my mind starts to drift. Nothing makes me happier. 

If I could work on drawing comics full time, I would be able to upload much more frequently without having to sacrifice any of the quality.  But I can't do that if people keep leaving by the end of the month, only becoming a Patreon a short time for the exclusive posts and leaving before having to pay. Doing that is really discouraging for me.

The point of this Patreon is to help me work towards the possibility of increasing updates for everyone. The exclusive posts are my way of saying 'thank you' for the support and helping me towards my goals. 

Thank you for everyone who has continued their pledge. I appreciate it, I really mean it.  I hope you will continue to read my work. There is so much more content on the horizon.



What the hell, that's such a dick move of them to pull. Like I get there might be a chance they lost interest but... I strongly doubt that's the case. I just wanna say thank YOU, for not letting them discourage you from being able to continue on your comics. I truly do hope you can one day achieve your dream, even if it may take a while to get there. Nothing comes easy, after all, but you've been so hard at work that I'm excited to see where you take us in your comics!


I do not plan on stopping, next page will go up tomorrow as usual. Thank you for staying!