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This is probably the longest page of the chapter. I would have cut it up but that ruins the effect. It took a month to complete, not because of the time spend on the page itself (the whole thing took about 2 days to draw.) but because of the concept art and machine/creature designs. I'll be showing off the concept art for it at a later point.

I don't like it when comics/stories do a lore dumb of the world's backstory at the start. So, instead I just hint at what happened in the past with a visual montage. But the full story will only be revealed piece by piece. I want to make people hunger for lore rather than drown them in it.

Hope I succeeded!




Those transitions made my heart PULSATE WITH ENERGY. I felt oddly excited, scrolling down and seeing such beautiful scenes quickly descend into death and chaos and I DEFINITELY got the full effect.


This page is amazing and so beautiful. It really pulls you into the story and wanting more, my heart was racing reading it!