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This is where the journey ends.

Thank you for reading my comic and supporting me for all these months. Please feel free to comment what you think!



A stunning end to a truly fantastic comic. Words escape me at the moment, but MAN- Huuuuge round of applause for everything you've put into this series as a whole, let alone such a heartwrenching finale. Beautifully put together ;w; <3


very much tearing up at the ending, i'm gonna go with cookinary on this one and imagine he just barely pulls through haha. the final action sequence was AMAZING, and i adored this comic from start to finish. i wanted to thank you so much for making this story. i only just got into the hi-fi rush fandom, and picked a bad time to do so considering the news earlier this month, but something that helps lessen the sting is creators like you. i've never seen so many talented people working on fancomics for a game with such a relatively small fandom. it makes sense- the game lends itself well to comics! we may never end up with a hi-fi rush sequel, but people like you have given it the love and life it deserves, and that's the best sequel i could ever ask for given the circumstances. i won't be able to stick around consistently month-to-month as a patron after this, but it'll still try to pop in occasionally because you've got a true gift for comics and i can't wait to see what you're cooking up with dragonstar. thank you!

Luis Garcia

Thank you for sharing this wonderful project with everyone! I found this comic and become so invested in the story and that lead me here, still very excited to see what you do next!

Nice Demon Queen

Thank you so much for sharing this comic to us. I’m still reeling from the HFR finale but understandable. I’ll buy the physical version for sure.