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Due to general lack of interest, I'm going to upload the remaining pages of the bonus comic all at once on the 26th of April. That is the Friday after next. The main comic's finale will come shortly after, somewhere in early May.

Mostly (h)Armless and its related arts have gone on too long, I should have kept it shorter like I had originally planned. So I can't blame people for being ready to move on. I made the mistake of thinking that, just because I am interested in something for months, doesn't necessarily mean other people would be too. Now making HFR fanart has just become too lonely and I no longer have the motivation to continue. I have cancelled the other future bonus art/comics. I may still do a print but that will depend on how many people want a copy. After that, there will be no more HFR related works from me. I am leaving the fandom entirely.

This is not meant to come across as super negative. I have achieved what i set out to do with this project. Most fan comics are never finished, let alone update with a stable schedule or a consistent art style. But I did all of those things. And I made it look easy. In reality it was excrusiatingly difficult. I sacrificed hundreds of hours, stayed up late into the night every single evening to work on it, usually after coming back from a long day at my own job. I worked +80 hour, 7 day weeks for months on end. It may not have been the healthiest thing I ever did. But it was an impressive show of character. I'm proud of myself. I am at peace.

Although for my next project I think I'll try for healthier work/life balance...

I want to thank all of you for having joined me on this odd little journey. Both for the monetary and especially social support. It's honestly incredible Mostly (h)Armless got this much at all! And who knows, maybe you'll be interested to check out my next comic project Dragonstar!

Thank you again and take care!



First of all, sorry for only commenting now! Got fairly busy and it slipped out of my mind ^-^" Second, I wanted to thank you for creating and sharing Mostly (h)armless! It's one of my favorite fancomic ever and I would absolutely LOVE a print copy of it! Though I totally understand how you feel, and I'm looking forward to DragonStar! Looks very fun from all the snippets you shared! :D I'm not good at translating my thoughts into words but I truly appreciate your contribution to the Hi-Fi Rush fandom, it woudln't have been the same without you! Best of luck for everything that's coming! :D


I'm a touch late making my way to the patreon, but your work is honestly fantastic, and your HFR content has had me in an absolute chokehold I swear!! You can certainly sign me up if you decide to do a print copy after all >:3 All that said, as much as I will certainly miss the HFR content, I'm very thankful that you've given us so much killer content for it, honest and truly. And of course, I'm super excited to see what's next from you!! Dragonstar definitely has my attention already <3


Thank you so much! It's still pretty surreal that a comic like this has so many supportive readers. I hope you'll enjoy the finale too! I'm currently working on the physical version of Mostly (h)Armless so hopefully it won't be long before that is finished. Dragonstar is also in full production now so lots of things to look forward to!