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Hey everyone, exciting progress progress on chapter three!

The lizardmen will be one of the main monsters of chapter three so I've put a lot of work into getting them just right. The guy below will probably be the first variant you meet and he's getting close to being ready for the game. 

I went through many iterations on the design. Some of these ideas will be used for the other type of lizardman in the second half of chapter three.

I've also been working away on various other monster concepts, both for chapter three and beyond. Pretty much every monster for the final game has had an initial concept pass.

This clam monster will probably appear in the caves of chapter three.

In addition to art related tasks I've also been working on various balancing changes to the battle system to allow for more tactical decisions against that nefarious Faerie Prince.

In terms of chapter three release, I'll probably aim to release the story parts in thirds, the first part was meeting Caspian, the next chunk would be up to the mid boss and after that it would be the final part up to the dragon boss. However there may be even smaller releases in between just to try to keep things rolling.

If you haven't already, I recommend joining the discord for frequent updates about work in progress stuff.

Thank you for all your support!



Where can i join the discord? :o


Can't wait to get speared by those lizardmen!🥵


Click on Settings from the left side menu Click on More and then Connected Apps from the menu bar Click on Discord and then click the Connect button




Dragons <3


Can't wait for the Update