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Hey everyone, since Chapter Two is completed (for now,) I figure it is a good time to tackle some high priority issues. I have a general idea of what I think is important but I would like to hear your thoughts too.

So please, let me know what you think are the biggest issues right now and what features you would like to see get some attention. This includes the whole game so far, from start to end of Chapter Two. Try not to post spoilers though or feel free to DM if in doubt.

I know people have already been providing some great feedback in the comments of the other posts. I have taken note of them and I thank you!



I subscribed today, hadn't played it before. First, I love what you're doing with this game! As for feedback, there are two things that standout to me: 1- The ability to skip or fast forward certain scenes, particularly ones that you've seen before, most particularly ones that you've seen before and will continue to see often. 2- Character ability descriptions. Either in tooltip during combat or in the character menu. For example, I'm still not sure what Curse does. 3- I believe the dialogue box animations are happening too often which is time consuming and a little bit confusing from a player point of view: when the main character speaks, the chat bubble pops ups with its neat animation. Then it disappears -which takes some time- but that's okay, because now it's the turn for the other character to speak, right? Except that it was my character that spoke again, so the bubble pops up all over. Personally I think it ought to remain while the character still has lines to say- it provides a more intuitive dialogue flow, it takes less time (since we're not waiting on the animation) and it leaves the player feeling like the action key (skip) is more responsive. I hope these are useful to you.


Hey, been following for quite awhile. You've made such excellent progress. I think the gameplay loop is actually in a pretty good place. Progression of the hero's unique talents, and being able to mix those talents is a lot of fun. I would encourage you to focus on further polishing in chapter 1 and 2. I think character relationships could use some further fleshing out, and more scenes with the hero’s buddies to establish relationships would be good. I’ll put things into a list format: 1. While I’m not certain what you intend with the tavern, it’d be a great thing to focus on finishing/adding next. 2. The alternative money-making method you can perform in chapter 1 could use a little more suggestion. Maybe hearing a few rumors about that particular alleyway would be good. 3. More build up with your first companion in chapter 1 would be great. It could even be a scene of transportation between the first and second chapters – a wagon interior or somesuch where the characters talk a bit about themselves and start building a connection before chapter 2. Longshots/Pie-In-The-Sky suggestions (things that would take lots of time and resources): 1. Going back to that alternate method for making money, having various clients would be good. 2. New animations for the mercenary leader and Luca interactions in chapter 2 would be cool. 3. Being able to travel from the city to the area in which chapter 2 takes place would really provide some great pacing and could open up those dialogue opportunities I talked about with camp dialogue.

Daniel C Williams

In order of importance; 1. The UI could be more informative/fleshed out. Tooltips are a start, but by no means end there. How do chimera genes work? what are the less obvious mechanics? All that stuff could stand to be explained somewhere. Regardless, the UI feels very placeholdery. 2. The Tavern would be a lovely next step, since it leaves Ch. 1 feeling unfinished as is. 3. More music, especially for the main menu and other areas that don't have background music at all yet.


The tavern scene would be where the relationship with the buddies would be established although the structure of the game has changed a lot since I originally envisioned it so I'm a bit uncertain how it'll fit into the game as it is now. I love the idea of transportation scenes but I'm wondering with the addition of the tavern scene plus transportation, the ratio of gameplay to cutscenes would be quite low. Expanding the gameplay options between missions around the town and back alley could help with that though. Both of your number 3 suggestions seem to be the same unless I'm misunderstanding something but overall I like the suggestions, thank you very much!


Hello, first of all, a big thank you for doing this game, it's still amazing to play it. I love the atmosphere, the character design is amazing too! About what could be good to be add, I would say : 1. Add some description about the attack and magic we can use like what it does to us or to the ennemy. 2. We really need to see more content between our 3 heros, like a story of their past. And it could be into the tavern or on the way to the dungeons 1 or 2 for example. 3. Tavern is empty, we could get a nice events there, and why not a place where you can gain level by fighting some monsters? 4. Probably not a big feature, will probably add nothing crazy to the game but huh... some Sound effect during the NSFW scene? 5. More way to win money. Example, when you finish Dungeon 1, you have no reason to get back, why not adding to the pannel in the village a few quest like "I lost my bracelet"? 6. Adding more character in the alley with different scenario?


Thank you for the feedback, it is very helpful. I'll try to address those issues soon.


Mostly I just wanted to point out that you are doing an amazing job creating a unique video game on a very high level of quality! Even though it's not polished, theres simply nothing like it. And that takes many qualities loads of people dont have - from art to game design to software writing to project management to debugging, and even a little story writing - you do. You should feel very proud! Secondly I think it's very much ok to give priority to whatever part gives you energy most. Especially when you feel like polishing or finishing older parts becomes a daily grind. Dont worry about your fans, they will stay with you even if you show end game content before finishing a full polished chapter 1. Hell, it will probably even be easier for you to polish old parts after regaining motiviation from other stuff. Dont ever feel sorry for it :). Last point, you don't have to do everything yourself. If theres work you don't like as much, theres always other people who do like it. Maybe with a Discord community or something like it you can find them, people can volunteer to help. Already looking forward to the state of Monster Souls next year summer :D.


I barely know how to respond when you leave such a kind comment. The current plan is to work on high priority issues for a month or so until I am tired of it and then do something more fun or interesting. Finding people to help on the game has it's own challenges. Finding the right people and being able to pay them on a limited budget, dealing with rights and contracts, and spending time managing people is not really what I want to be doing. Honestly I don't know how other developers do it. The idea of a discord community is a constant internal struggle, I am worried it will be too much of a distraction for me or will become an extra source of anxiety. If I started one as an experiment and then had to close it later I'm sure it would upset people. Maybe I'm being too cautious.


I'm working on UI now. Chimera genes are something I'd like to give over to a new character to explain, another apprentice of the Warlock. I'll try to add them soonish.


Tavern mini-game would be great. Lots of games include things like groping and doing 'extra services' to keep customers satisfied for a big tip Not sure how easy that would be however. How many animators do you current have? Are you looking for more? If so, what kind of software are you using to animate the models?


Forgot to thank you for such an amazing, unique game. I'm really enjoying it so far!


Hello. I would like to start off by thanking you for making this game. It is hard to describe with words how wonderful it is to have a game as yours exist with the quality and passion you have given it. There are not many games like this, and those that emulate the genre you are aiming for often cater to heterosexuality. While there is nothing wrong with straight adult entertainment, the lack of gay entertainment that isn’t a visual novel leaves me wanting. This is a treasure that deserves more support so that it can grow into its full potential and more. Your art style is appealing, and what I have played so far leaves me excited for where you take this project. Raise your head high, because what you have created is worthy of praise. Regarding your request for feedback, I believe you know the game best and understand what areas need your immediate attention. What I have to say can be taken as merely suggestion. A tooltip or a skill/spell description would be most useful. Though the combat is straightforward, it will helpful if players can understand what each skill does. How much HP is recovered, does this induce a buff, will using this skill increase CRIT rate? And so on and so forth. I would like to see the HP and MP bars displayed somewhere on the character screen/menu rather than exclusively through the item quick menu. It would be nice if sexual dialogues had variations depending on what monster form the hero has on. Such as people commenting on how the slime body feels on their private areas, or calling the hero a pup while in beast form. I believe I’ve noticed it a few times while fighting the goblins. I would love to see the tavern expanded where sexual activities can occur. Things such as prostitution, dubious-consent, group/public sex, and Colton/Lukka/mercenaries having sex with the hero. Maybe the tavern can be a place where players fund upgrades to unlock benefits and features from the tavern. This would be entirely optional, just a bit of side content for players to enjoy or make some extra money. And since taverns sell food, maybe a food/kitchen feature where players can eat food at the tavern to gain buffs before heading out to their adventures. Maybe offer hunting quests/optional bosses for players to unlock more powerful recipes? Character-specific/loyalty quests with Ash and Lyric would be nice to include, something to deepen their character development and our bond with them. I also would like to have the choice of platonic/non-sexual relationships with them, especially when I’m not interested in pursuing sexual acts but I am still invested in their characters. The sex is the main selling point, so I understand if this isn’t something on the table. Don’t know if this is a personal issue, but I noticed a difficulty spike in chapter 2 (Goblin Encampment) where monsters became harder to defeat. Particularly with the mantrap (plant monsters). Not only do they have a large HP pool, but their Poison Spit skill causes high damage where I’ve seen them take out half of Ash’s HP. This to me seems rather strange since status ailment skills caused by the players and other monsters have very low damage output, rather their strength lies in doing damage over time. Another example are the pixies where Aero either one-shots Ash or takes out half of the hero’s HP. This is equally bewildering considering Ash has the highest amount of magic defense. Compounded with the fact that stunning procs 100% and appears to be cast with no limit by enemies, I can see a potential stun locking problem. Maybe include a mechanic in both players and enemies where subsequent stunning has diminishing return/high fail rate with each successive stunning. Additionally, an enemy team of one mantrap and two pixies can be very difficult since all three enemies have high damage outputs along with HP restoration. The only way I’ve found to combat this difficulty spike was to farm money from the alleyway and purchase better equipment. This might not be that much of an issue considering it’s solvable by investing more time into the game, but it is a bit frustrating. Not sure if this is a bug or not, but the Poisoned Dagger inflicts persistent poison on Ash when equipped. The weapon description doesn’t mention this being a side-effect. Again, thank you so much for bringing this game into reality. I am excited to see more from you!

Daniel C Williams

You may want to consider adding either a thesaurus to the menu, or to the Hero's bedroom where you can look up game terms/system. If it's a physical object, it could automatically fill up as you encounter the objects in question. First time 'curse' used in battle? Entry added.


Ahh I just had a look, looks like a good tool! I mostly do SFM animations but are you looking to having an extra hand with animations?


Yeah the animations specifically have to be from Spine for integration into the game code.


It seems like the tavern and alley are particularly popular requests so I'll be planning ways to expand on them in the future. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions!


Thank you for such high praise! I hope the game will continue to improve and draw in more support although it is quite niche compared to other games that focus on hetero or mixed content. I think most of your concerns have already been partially addressed in the latest build but there is always more to be done. I like the suggestions about improving and expanding on the tavern. I'm currently grinding away at that in the back of my mind, trying to come up with a feasible plan of action regarding that stuff and how to incorporate it into the game. I'll try to add more character development to Ash and Lyric over time. There's always more ideas for content to add in between the current stuff, it's just a matter of prioritizing development time. Also thanks again, your comment really made my day when I read it. I have trouble focusing on replying to people sometimes and I didn't want it to come across as me ignoring it.