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Build is up! I can't guarantee everything is fixed but hopefully it fixes more than it breaks!

A new build is here! The main focus of this build is the new forest zones bringing along with it a new plant based monster, the mantrap! This expands on the beginning part of chapter two before reaching the forest shrine. Hopefully making this part of the game more interesting and better paced from the time of leaving the mercenary camp to returning back to it for the night.

The storyline content still ends after defeating the Faerie Prince. The storyline content for this chapter is about 70% finished and will be released when it's ready. I'll talk about it a bit more in another post.

As always let me know if you encounter any bugs while playing and feel free to give any feedback you may have!


  • New forest zones with many hidden treasures
  • New plant type monster, the mantrap!
  • Added surrender scene for mantrap
  • Added surrender scene for pixie
  • Added game over scene for orc
  • Added second chance to get Lukka sleepover scene in the mercenary camp
  • Added hints for where to go in the beginning of chapter two
  • New equipment items for hero and Ash
  • New rare equipment item drops from some monsters
  • Adjusted levels and stats for some monsters
  • Increased the level cap for the player party to 15
  • Updated sniffing mechanic to make scent trails drift towards hero
  • Fixed missing scent clue on comic book for Buddy quest
  • Lukka will also give a small hint about this after receiving the quest Changelog:

  • Fixed black screen from third goblin surrender
  • Fixed null reference from Lukka's first sleepover scene
  • Fixed transition from armor shop during hero's armor purchase scene
  • Fixed some animation glitches on hero
  • Adjusted battle results popup, adding an OK button and removing old stuff
  • Adjusted input settings for gamepad triggers that may be causing issues for users
  • Adjusted abilities and attributes of the mantrap monster
  • Adjusted damage on Ash's daggers to be less powerful when doing critical hits
  • Added more turn delay after using Ash's sneak attack skill
  • Adjusted nighttime brightness in town

Save files from 0.2.3 should still be good but if your game won't load it's recommended to start a new one.

Download Links:

Windows: Link 

Windows 32: Link 

Mac: Link 

Linux: Link 

Note: I include Mac and Linux versions but I cannot test or offer technical support for these versions or even confirm whether or not they still work.

Keyboard & Mouse Controls:

  • Left click to break items
  • Right click to interact
  • A,D or Arrow keys to move left and right
  • Space for Jump
  • Left Shift for Special Action(ie "Crouching" used with monster forms)
  • Left Ctrl for Dash
  • Q for character screen (Class, Equipment)
  • V for transform Menu
  • E for item quick menu (outside battle)
  • ESC for game options menu
  • F4 Skip scene, can skip through dialogue and scenes (It's a little buggy)

Controller can be used but it might be a little buggy right now (The selection cursor may disappear, use the mouse to select something again) See the input tab when you run the game for more options



When doing the 3rd surrender for a goblin it just shows a black screen. Nothing plays. I'm able to use esc to exit the dungeon though.


I'm not able to interact with anything, I left click and just keep swinging the sword


I pushed everything but that. Thank you!


Ok thank you. For now you should be able to progress by surrendering to 2 goblins.


aw the wolf still isn't in the animation viewer yet


Game seems to hang on a black screen after the event with the Master and Ash post first dungeon. You can "Quit to Desktop" and save before quitting to get back to Hero's room though.


Thanks, I just fixed an error with Lukka's sleepover which might be what caused this. I'll check the path of rejecting Lukka as well.


Hero cant attack enemy but skills hit enemy. im japanese ,perhaps you cant understand my repot. sorry.


If you are able to, please send me your log file to support@monstersouls.com. On windows it should be here: %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Monster Souls Team\Monster Souls For mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Monster Souls Team/Monster Souls There should be a save file and a text file called output_log.txt.


Hello! I'm not sure if this is a user error problem, but when I get into battles, my attacks do no damage. The attack animation happens, but my attack has no effect on the slime. Is there a way to correct this? Because I currently can't get past the first slime boss.


If you are able to, please send me your log file to support@monstersouls.com. On windows it should be here: %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Monster Souls Team\Monster Souls For mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Monster Souls Team/Monster Souls There should be a save file and a text file called output_log.txt.


Found it, thank you. This is probably a result of attacking the giftbox in hero's bedroom. For now, restarting the game should fix it.

Jake O88

Can you get more than one monster form? I've only been able to get slime form. Is there a wolf form?

Jake O88

I love this game. Can't wait to see more!


I found an image interspersed between the selections Lukka and Hero in the animation viewer. When I change the monster, a image shows that the hero‘s body covered with slime just flash by.Is this an unused new animation?


It is the slime covering used during the slime surrender scene but I guess it's not implemented in the animation viewer yet so I don't know why it is appearing.



You can try using the method in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57772297


Are the slimes in the beginning aqueduct supposed to be unbeatable? i dont do damage to them