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Hey everyone sorry for going quiet this month. I've been struggling with a few things but I'll still try to make progress where I can, probably monster art for a bit.

 For those of you who saw the dire wolf concept art previously, I had to scrap it/rework it. After doing the clean up I just wasn't happy. I think this new version is a big improvement though. It's not something I'm used to drawing so it took longer to get him looking right, more monstrous and intimidating. Hopefully he will fit well with the goblins.




I would think the Wolf is super Horny with the Main Character’s Armour and Hump him


It definitely looks more intimidating than the concept art! When are you planning on adding it to the game?


Hopefully he will fit in the main character. ;p That is one big doggo.


Have we seen Lyric before? He's cute


He was introduced in the latest build! Hopefully we can get to know him better soon.


All I can say is soon hopefully, as long as I don't hit any major roadblocks he should be the next monster added.


O.o hhhhnng Hero boy better be careful or he's gonna get filled with wolf pups X)


This is looking great :-) Really appreciate the updates, will be cool to encounter Mr Angry Werewolf in a future build.


Thats a very nice wofl!!