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Hey everyone! I want to give you a little update. 

I spent a lot of time this month working on game mechanics, fixing bugs and experimenting with new effects and animations. All that stuff makes the game better to play but I think I need to complete more of the story or scenes before I release a new build. 

Right now I'm just finishing up the scene where hero returns to the warlock master to report about his mission and receive the next one that starts off chapter two of the game.

From this point I plan to have hero and Ash travel to a forest zone where the goblin encampment is located. Although I have a lot of scenes planned and different areas for the party to explore during chapter two, I have been mostly focusing on the goblin area at this time. This is where the goblins and dire wolves will be encountered as well as the fairy prince boss battle which I think will mark the halfway point through chapter two. 

I don't think I'll stick to a strictly linear development timeline for this. Sometimes the in between events will be filled in later on and everything will be become more fleshed out after the major plot points are in.

Regardless of all that, I'd like to release a new build soon so I have to make a plan of what that build needs so that I can work on that now. 

Since the fairy prince is partially implemented now, I'm leaning towards working on his defeat scene animation and maybe some of his dialog to introduce and establish him as a character.  There will also be a scene where the third party member is introduced and added to the party that would probably make sense to work on as well. If I got those in, I think that would be worth a new build.

There's a lot more I would talk about for those of you who want to read it but I guess I need to find the time to type it out. But for now you can check out the task list for more details about what I'm working towards: Link

As usual thank you all for your support and let me know any thoughts or questions!


Chris C.

Thanks for the update! I'm excited to see a new build, but you've taken on quite an ambitious task list here and I'm happy to wait until you're satisfied with your progress.


Thx very much for the update and the dedication to making the game awesome! 😎


Thank you for your patience and continued support! It should eventually get easier to release new builds without everything being broken.

Daniel Aguilera

it´s taking ages for the next built