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Hey everyone just wanted to give you an update on the status of the next build. I wanted to complete the goblin scene before releasing a new build but I think it'll be another week before it is ready. The animations are nearly complete but then I have to script it and test things to make sure it all works. 

At the beginning of the month I got tied up with upgrading the game to handle new scenes with the presence of different characters or enemy parties. There's a lot of complexity involved and I'll also have to update existing scenes when new characters are introduced so I'm still trying to figure out how best to handle all this stuff. I apologize that things have been slow this month. Hopefully things will get smoother in the future. 

So I'll try to release a build early March with some of the new goblin camp area and the goblin scene and then continue expanding off that.

Thank you for all your support and for sticking with me through some of the more boring parts of development.



Take your time, can’t rush greatness! Amazing work so far!!!

Thomas Finnigan

We love you and your work. You're building a game that others don't dare at a level of quality that's just outstanding. Its not easy we know this, understand this and appreciate how hard you work on it. Take your time my patronage won't be going anywhere ❤


You’re doing great :) I will wait as long as you need us to


Is the goblin scene you're talking about the one that's on the animation viewer on the current version?


I made a different version but the one in the animation viewer will probably be used for a different scene.

Matt Kulisch

Support isn't just about getting shit, at least for me. It's also about ensuring that you have the time, the energy, and the resources to make things as you wish. As the others have said, take your time. I'm here for it!


I prefer quality over quantity, so don't rush yourself. You are giving us plenty of updates on a regular basis, so we can see what you are working on right now. I'd rather have a "proper functioning" version with a delay than a broken version as fast as possible. No matter what, keep up the great work! :3

Aizu Kanna

I personally don't mind waiting as long as the final product is well done and carefully crafted. Take your time. There's no nead for having a build each month. And most important, take care of your health. Don't stress yourself about the build =)


This is a very random question, but is there an uncropped version of the Patreon banner picture somewhere? I've seen multiple versions of it around but it always looks like there's stuff out of the frame. Thanks!


The banner is composed of old concept art: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wwvaur0olr483vc/ms_monsters.png?dl=0


Oh cool, thanks! Do you plan on having these concept monsters in the game somewhere then?


Great, I'm excited! This game has so much promise so I look forward to its progress