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Hey guys! I got the new dungeon mostly integrated into the game. I had to do some work to the game to support adding more dungeons as well as some new features that will be needed for the new dungeon. I want this one to have a lot more exploration as well as access to hero's wolf form to help sniff out hidden items so it should be fun to play when it all comes together.

However I still have a lot of work to do actually creating the full dungeon, with all the areas and such but you can see it is coming together slowly.

Also for those who are interested, here's a link to the updated task list/game outline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d9jpOZy98SPDL-9F8EunUy1IePuQbAmJ8OrvmUKxPWA/edit?usp=sharing

As you can probably guess, I have big plans for chapter two so I appreciate your patience while I get something playable together.

I'm not sure when will be the best time to release a new build. I think most of the dungeon has to be constructed before it would be worthwhile to play with it, even if the events and stuff would come later.

I'll probably spend the next week or so constructing out the rest of the dungeon and then work on some of the new monsters come the beginning of February.

Let me know your thoughts! 


Wolf-form Passive Skill Preview

Development progresses on the second dungeon as well as the hero's upcoming wolf form.



I can’t wait ☺️

Matt Kulisch

Zomg, that was so funny at the end!

Ryan Fox

Looks good so far, the wolf form is kinda adorable. It will be interesting to see what the dungeon boss will be, and how one gets wolf form as well.


Great work!

Lucas wilde

Looks amazing so far! Keep up the great work!

Aizu Kanna

Haha!! That sniffing at the end! XD Can we hope/expect something kinky with the goblins? I'm having "Goblin's Cave" flashbacks XD