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Hey guys hope you are all doing well and hanging in there.

I've been quietly working away on some character concept art and trying to plan out the scenes that will take place at the start of the game and around the town between missions. I'm going to share some concept art and a couple mock-ups with all patrons this time because that's all I've been working on the past couple weeks.

I have two main locations for events, the protagonist's bedroom/house and the tavern where he hangs out with his group of buddies.

The buddies are side characters not part of the player party and they have their own jobs that they work. This is a group of guys that are more experienced and the protagonist looks up to them even if they do tease him a lot.

After each dungeon run/mission I envision the hero getting together with his buddies and they'll have some drinks and share some banter. 

"Wait a minute... am I gay?"

The protagonist's bedroom is where the story begins and where he can have a quiet moment alone or bring back a friend for a sleepover. Also I spent some time creating a nude skin that will layer with underwear and casual clothes that will be used at the start of the game and in certain scenes.

Character lineup

The designs will probably be tweaked a bit as I continue along and I don't have names for them yet but I have a few ideas floating around for personality traits. There are more characters to come for the story line and eventually minor characters to fill out the town.

Anyway let me know what you think of the new guys and I'll be back in a bit with some more art.




The buddies and the bedrooms look really cute!!


I love all of this. Are you thinking of voicing any of these characters?


Loving the look of Buddy 1!


Buddy 1 looks yummy


The art is amazing!


Gotta agree, Buddy 1 can get it.


Buddy #1 is hot!


Great to see your world beginning to come together like this with these new "prototype" characters to help flesh things out a bit :-) Attractive designs and some hints at a bit of character development - nice!

Red Rex

Can the Orc boss be invited back to bedroom? My Characters just gonna dream of him nightly


Nice! I kind of thought the town area was going to be more of a shopping area, so this was an interesting surprise! I also see alot of complements on buddy 1, but the other 2 look nice as well. Granted Your models all look nice thus far, so maybe that doesn't need to be stated!


Great, thank you! I am glad that everyone likes buddy 1 but hopefully the other two will have a few fans as well.


Thanks! I'm excited to build out more of the world and characters and make the town into a bustling hub of activity between missions.


Loving the look of all of them, but I can already tell Buddy 3 is gonna be my fave. 👀


Looking good for the world building. So will you have like a guild hall or are the mission given by npc/buddy character ?

Daniel C Williams

Will we ever get to trash the posters of chicks? I'd much rather have posters of the buddies and party members, lol


Yeah probably, although any guys you bring over might find it weird if you have posters of them on your wall 😄


Why would they find that weird? I do that and when I bring these guys over......Oh......that explains a few things....

Matt Kulisch

Buddy 3 is my dude.