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Aaw, such a curious boy!

This was originally only going to be two parts but then I thought "hey a third part would be funny... also if I added some more ..." so on and so forth. Kind of ran into a bit of a art block on it as well (probably because I kept moving the goal posts to put more work into it.) So I hit a point and said "OK this needs to be wrapped up." Part of that was keeping the background in monochrome, which I personally think it does work better than my attempts with colour. It really helps make Drakk pop but also it means this gets uploaded tonight instead of in three days time :')

I'll update this post in a bit with the alts of the images properly stitched together. That's just going to take time and right now it's nearly 8am so I need to sleep. There's also some sketches for someone I want to hopefully get uploaded tomorrow. Then to see if I can get that shark picture done in like two days. So sorry for the delays this year has just been kicking my ass a bit.

But hey if you flick between the last two parts fast enough it's almost like it's animated! I'm counting this as a feature.

Edit: As mentioned throwing in those extra alts with the separate imagines properly merged together.




Digging how his face subtly changes between the two shots!


I basically spent a whole day going back and forth checking and making sure things would look right. That was also the day I ended up messing the save file up and erasing the work done. So I had to redo it all :') In retrospect, this picture series has had a lot of problems and I'm not sure why.


ADORABLE???? Also dang the lighting and shading in these pics is so vibrant and crisp and clear and they look damn lovely!


I'm in the car and I'm fine with it


Great to see this boi and his feet again 🥰

March dragon

Always a treat to see your derg doing his thing <3


excellent work dude

KCLT (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-23 00:48:43 Thank you man &lt;3
2022-08-02 09:21:33 Thank you man <3

Thank you man <3


You mentioning flipping back and forth between the last two panels reminds me of the Captain Underpants "flip-o-rama". Which would make an amazing piece. Like if you flipped back and forth from a stomp to a lifted foot *BAM BAM BAM* . You can have the micro stomped endlessly hehe.


I also really like the suggestion of prints on the flesh, looks great ^_^


All the better to tear into packets of cookies with.