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This one is probably going to spill over into next month. This background is kicking my ass a little bit  and I still have the shoe alt and colours to do. :'v

So because this is taking it's sweet time I might try to update some older art or hunt for some extra stuff to upload for tomorrow.

Update: Got most of the background sorted (for a fast paint over I'm pretty happy with how it's looking.) Just need to do some power lines and then the dog boy himself. Gotten 3 hours of sleep and been at it all day so I'm going to nap and try to finish it up afterwards.



Rxon Sigano

I love that style between the toes - the shady dark bit - is it crosshatching? Either way, dope look


Yeah it's something like that, you kind of move the brush in the direction you want, so instead of ti feeling flat it adds some shape and depth. There is a term for it but I can't remember it right now. It's something I've been really enjoying using this year.