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Tis the season for doning on our gay apparel.

But for real, the mix of it being pride and me hitting some revelations about myself with Kassy and Kass here, It's felt good. Been enjoying getting to have these two together, interacting and being big queers. Look I've found I express myself through weird artwork a lot ok...

Anyway, I'll be doing a little status update post in the next couple of days. Nothing bad just want to be transparent on something that's coming up VERY SOON.

I know things have been rough for pretty much all of us, but despite it all we persist.

Keep being queer, keep being weird and keep kicking ass you lot.




I love that shirt on the ram, it’s cute and shows off that belly. Which one exactly is that?


Really well done, and they're both hotties at any size. This is also an example of clothes amplifying hotness. That shirt on the ram is a nice accessory.


The flag? If so that's the Bisexural one. Lucked out in what I happen to be also has nice colours.


God this is gorgeous~