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Hello everyone. After getting some feedback from discord members, I've decided to make a minor adjustment to how I will be handling the uploading of big sketch pages. These pages are not something I've shared before, excluding the post from last week. I wasn't sure if anyone would really be interested in them. However, my discord members have expressed interest in seeing them more, which led me to think I should probably share them with you guys as well.

As such, I will now be uploading sporadic dumps of big sketch pages to the Big Slime and above tiers. It feels fitting since this is content that doesn't go to social media and is already shared in discord, so it will give more benefit to people in these tiers who do not want to join the discord server. It also means I don't have to clean up these pages a ton and make them 'presentable' since they are a pure bonus thing. I also don't need to worry about any of the content on the pages being too... uh, 'weird' for general viewers!

Please note these sketch pages are purely a 'behind the scenes' thing; they are not content intended for viewing by a general audience. If you are interested in the artistic process you might like to give them a look though! 

Also, I previously said I would release sketch book compilations of my sketches for download. I will likely do this in the future, though I am still not sure exactly how I wanna go about it. All my sketches are well organized since Dec 2022 tho, so unless my computer explodes there's no risk of the content vanishing. At some point it will be presented in a mass upload.

Whew! That was way more words than I thought. Hope you all enjoy the rest of the month, more content coming soon! 



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