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Boo! Did I scare ya?

This is spooky month, and to start it off I did the scariest thing of all; clerical work.

I've overhauled most of my social media profiles to be up to date with the current status of my accounts. I also have created a BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/veryfilthything.bsky.social

The BlueSky is, of course, a backup incase Twitter does something very stupid. I am using it tho, and am in the process of uploading some old art there along with newer stuff. I will be responding to messages and questions I get there as well, so if for some reason you wanna use it to contact me, go right ahead.

Second, I've also done an overhaul of my Itaku account: https://itaku.ee/profile/veryfilthything

Going forward, Itaku is going to be my most organized gallery space due to the best gallery tools that aren't paywalled. I also am going to not post ads on it for the foreseeable future; I figure most people who follow me there also follow me in other places, so you don't really need to see the ads twice. But if you want ad free viewing with an organized gallery, Itaku is now the best place for it!

As for my art plans for the month, its mostly going to be working on Thingies along with some ~secret projects~. However, I also want to make some art of more... well, popular characters. But  I'd rather those pics also be ones you guys wanna see, so you can join the discord and drop me Halloween/Fall themed requests!

I got a lot on my plate, but I'm eager to keep working on it, so I hope you'll stick around to see it!



Where’s the discord?


Its available for Tier 2 and above members. If you subscribe to the $5 tier you'll be sent an invite code to the discord. It requires a linked patreon account to make moderating it possible for me.